Things that are right

Fuck sake Flatty, I can read the post code under the post it now.

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Ah here. :persevere:


Without giving the personal details what was it that Flatthew posted anyway?!

that looks like a lovely area judging by google earth

name,address and bank details

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Can you see that neighbour of his with the big tits?

no, some road though, like something in south dublin, he must be loaded altogether

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Acknowledgement letter for his swim and thanks to the lads on here who donated.

You should have stayed away for another few days @flattythehurdler

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Did he out you in all of this confusion @balbec


I’ve had 7 slices of brown bread today. The shit that just came out of me was exquisite.


There is nothing right about that.

You’d be better off growing a penis and having a 3rd pint every now and again then to be bragging about that shite.

Earned a popular link there.

You’re just pandering to the masses, you’re like tfk’s Deise Springsteen now.

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Sonia O’Sullivan could be retrospectively awarded World Championship gold medals after Chinese athletes admitted doping.

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Just saw a very fat woman with one of the most beautiful faces I have ever seen


This post, teetering on 9 likes as it was, is pure likebait - but goshdangit if it didn’t sucker me in!

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I’m giving this a like.

Too kind