Things that are right

The discovery of Gravitational Waves. The numbers involved are staggering.

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Work experience student in my office has to fill in a form and do an Interview about his time here

One of the questions is about his expectations and what was different than he expected.

His answer was "the people, I am not sure if this is the right word but I thought they would be cunts and they were actually really nice "



Is that true ?? If so it’s brilliant.

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Ah, you have to hire him after that!

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Didn’t know you were an accountant…

Transition year?

We had a young lad for the last two weeks, relative of a client, he’s only 16 but he put most of us to shame in his time here.

Listening to your daughters singing Amhrán na bhFiann as they go about their morning duties.


Weekend naps. Up now.will be back down for 30 mins after lunch

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Being able to bring the kids to an indoor playhouse, order a coffee, read the paper, safe in the knowledge you no longer have to take your shoes off and go into the god forsaken padded area anymore.


Until there’s a row.

It’s all padded :+1:

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You’ve finally de-programmed Ireland’s Call out of their system? :clap:

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I hope they’ll be belting out Irelands Call later.

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There’s a young lad here with a Leicester City jersey on him :smiley:


Last one, but with the kids in the PlayStation in KK. They have the usual play area but they also have a hurling tunnel!! No wonder we’re winning the AI every year!!! :joy::joy:


Herself just gave me tickets to see Ennio Morricone tomorrow night I’m beamin! Heading to Dingle tonight for a few pints of Guinness and a meal staying at the Skellig and of course the Limerick match which il have to watch on TV but fuck it weekends like this are few and far between!


Unreal, unbelievable:


Thats class.what a song.the gga and rugby just cant create an atmosphere


Makes the hair stand on the back of your neck. What a song.