Things that are right

Havent had a credit card in 25 years chief. Best decision I ever made.

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How long till you pay off the loan that cleared the balance?


Balance transfer on credit cards was one of the great creations of the Celtic Tiger.

As a small business owner efficient use of a credit card is an absolute no brainer

Cleared already KP. I was the stupidest of stupid credit card users. No real need for one but constantly in debt by a small bit on it.

Same here mate. Pure financial laziness.

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It’s better being a small business owner with enough cash never to need a credit card…

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It is. But not taking free credit when available is a poor use of your cash IMO. Each to their own. There is also insurance of sorts available on purchases made with th card

Our overheads are small. Our only regular purchase is probably diesel. We have no need for a credit card.

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What about booking flights, bro?

You fucking fool. The airline supplies the fuel, and you don’t put diesel into a plane :roll_eyes:

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Although I’ve given this a like, I was very grateful for my credit card when I used it to beat a clamping fine. The NCPS cunts clamped me at a train station when their own text reminder system (which I was paying them for) failed to notify me that the parking had lapsed that morning. This, they argued, did not change that the onus was on me to ensure that I had an up-to-date ticket.

Paid with credit card, clamp removed, wrote to credit card company and had transaction cancelled due to breach of contract, NCPS put through transaction again, wrote to credit card company again, NCPS gave up. In your face fuckers! :laughing:



I still have a visa debit card.

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Go to the homepage of the worlds biggest porn site

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Bit early in the day for you to be on a porn site?

Way too early I’m just passing on the info I received. Surely a few of the tinder brigade in Ireland could do with some pre date encouragement however.

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What’s this?

That’s hard pore corn!

Ah lads, this is a mighty yoke for 8 quid. Will put her clean through the headboard.