Things that are right

Watching Saturday Kitchen best bites and seeing the late great Fred Elliott on it.

I say, I say Ashley.

What a ledge. Up there with Curly Watts as the greatest soap character of all time


Prison? Are you serious?. The last Tipp man who was caught doing something like this has topped the poll in about 5 general elections since.

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An auld update on the attic conversion at home. We’re starting it Monday week I think, the engineer reckons I’ll need planning as they recommended outing in 3 proper windows in the roof. Apparently the neighbours could kick up. I’ll build away ta fuck and hope to god I meet the planning officer someday in the pub. Sure I know the little cunt well. Didn’t he work for me as an intern type setup for experience years ago, anyway it’s only paperwork.
Hard to beat my efficiency and getting on with jobs regardless of circumstances and red tape.


great stuff mate, not only have you got the perfect work life balance things seem to be falling into place for you in regards to your house

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Thanks buddy. Some of the foolish lads would try to make out I’m a chancer.
They just don’t get what drive and work ethic is. The Germans and the English would understand it and commend me for it.

Must be all those power naps.

I have yet to meet a chancer working in a local authority. Some wasters, but no chancers. Good for you mate. I love to see a lad thumbing his nose at the planning regulations.

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Could be a pain the hole if you’re trying to sell it later.

A couple of the kids are glued to Bosco at the moment, Grainne is now telling the story of the Monster Final in Simple Stadium, Hurling Is the game and it involves fucking another monster as far away as possible

What the fucking fuck?

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You on meds, kid?


Nah mate, just bored. Home alone with the kids and the weather is all over the shop, had them in a playground and out on the bikes but was caught both times (rain)
Now I’m doing a dinner and trying to keep them entertained, Bosco gave me a giggle :fearful:

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He was the poshest man you’d ever meet in real life.



Thanks for the synopsis of your day with your kids, mate.

Getting broody mate?

Great stuff lad,make sure he leaves you a brown envelope when he’s finished as the conversion won’t furnish or paint itself

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Cycling home from town to fingal with the wind on your back.


Pokemon Go. I’m giddy lads.

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