Things that are right

I’ve not seen a spinning top for years

How long did it take. It took myself and the wife a full day to put up the fucker a few years back

I’m pretty sure I’ve been over this before, I thought you were involved, there is only one small cream wall in my house, my missus loves a bit of colour, I’m gone that way myself now as well. That wall isn’t the wackiest by any means. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
This is what I’m looking at right now.

That colour is nice

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So is the yellow mate, just a bit different.

Bought a corner Sofa during the week. Those things are fucking expensive

Assume you have permanent rights over the angle area?

Damn right.

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Fuck it 1400 big ones. Plus she got a new car this year. Need to get something g out of it

Not that bad. Low cost per use over the life of it :smiley:

I always produce that one to justify a new telly or something!

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Well as bought the telly after Christmas for 450. Think she’s won this one

… and so last year

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They can be whatever the fuck they want. Got ten years out of the last suite. So it can be so last fucking millennium for all I care


I bought a very expensive recliner armchair in Caseys furniture ten years ago when we moved in, thought I’d live in it, fucking thing is only taking up space ever since, I’d say I’ve sat in it 7 or 8 times.
Should be in the things that are wrong thread

Ha ha how come you don’t sit in it?

Not a fan of the recliners myself.

I needed the ’ things that are sad’ thread during the week.
I took down the swing. The trusty old swing. I assembled it @ 11:00 Pm, one cold fucking dam wet night on Feb the 18th. Just after she went to bed, on the eve of her 4th birthday. Mrs Bradley held the flashlamp at the back door while listening out for her waking.
We surprised her that morning !!! Look out the window babs. A new shiny swing !!!

Took it down this week after 11 years of damm good service to the Bradley’s.


I just plonk myself down on the couch, it’s handier, 'twas far from recliners I was reared and thought It’d be the bees knees, it’s a pain in the hole.

You’re doing it wrong pal.

A recliner is a great job.

I done it in stages. Half an hour in, half off.took a good chunk of the day


They’re great Crack though. My kids have got great use out of it. Just be careful especially if there is cats in the neighbourhood. Fuckers lie on them in sunny weather and claw at them. Weakens the trampoline.