Things that are right

Not too dimwittwed but loyal mutt will keep them away & if dancing baby isnt around my dog Max will


Max is a great dogs name.

thedancingbaby is a great dimwitted but loyal mutt’s name



Colombo called his dog “DOG” . Now that’s a name


Kevin Bridges (Scottish comedian) dog is named Doug. That’s the best name I reckon.

My dogs name is dog. The kids called him something or other. He kinda half answers to it. However if I call " dog " the little cunt comes running

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The one piece bikini.

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I know a lad with two Jack Russells called Jack and Russell.

We got a dog last week from the RSPCA, black lab / staff cross. His name’s Harley, 18 months old and he’s as thick as pig shit and lazy as fuck, but he’s actually the first dog I’ve ever owned (albeit in a joint ownership arrangement with two other people who apparently live with me) and he’s brilliant. Dogs are brilliant.

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Wtf is going on

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He’s outside your gaff.

One of your gaffs


Given your Avatar, it could be one of yours

I can’t believe I wasted 5 mins flicking through the last 100 or so posts here. Utter scutter.


Where else in the world would you want to be on a day like this, all topped off by a few ribs in the Scotch Bonnet.

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The anger you’re feeling is natural for a man so unfulfilled. If you start taking heroine you wouldn’t feel like that anymore.

He already has a heroine, no?
She must be at least.

He’ll fit right in so.