Things that are right

They’re strangely enjoyable for such a plain biscuit (only with tea though)

yeah theres something special about em alright. Im refraining from buyin em cause i end up eaten the whole pack.

[quote=“W.B. Yeats”]You and a bird
I’m sure you can put it all together!


Ah yes that kind, good call!

[quote=“W.B. Yeats”]You and a bird
I’m sure you can put it all together!


If memory serves me correct Bandage stated on here that he doesn’t like pulling a double shift(lazy bollix)…I was never so ashamed of a fellow human being as I was that day…

Manhattan popcorn, peanuts and even the crisps that they sell in the Long Hall. Fantastic stuff. Haven’t changed their packaging in living memory.

Now that’s consistency in a world gone mad. Not like Beamish which I’d say has changed its packaging loads of times, while its also just inferior to Guinness and from Cork.

Listening to the cricket in the car while driving to see clients. Makes the work day go so much quicker.

And - playing cricket with the little fella, now 5 years old, in 20 years the Australian Test Captain.

Don’t think there’s anything that sounds more wrong to me!

Something like-
“Johnson runs up…throws the ball…batsman misses it. Thats 6 times in a row now in this really exciting game.”

Friday afternoons - particularly when you know you are heading for pints in around 2 hours time.

Friday afternoons - particularly when you know you are heading for pints in around 2 hours time and your superiors have fooked off to a meeting for the afternoon.

[quote=“Pikeman”]Don’t think there’s anything that sounds more wrong to me!

Something like-
“Johnson runs up…throws the ball…batsman misses it. Thats 6 times in a row now in this really exciting game.”[/quote]

I once listened to a tennis match on the radio!

The receptionist in my place of work.

The Tv3 trailer for The Wind That Shakes the Barley. Surprisingly good.

Wind That Shakes the Barley

Toasted sandwiches on a cold sunday when you are hungover…Serious job…

jeez pukey - you really appreciate the finer things in life :smiley:

Knowing that when you get home, your flatmate will have made dinner for 2 and you don’t have to do anything except eat it.

I hope your flatmate is female, otherwise we’ll be taking this to the “Things that are wrong thread”.

No. It’s more of a “sure you may as well have a bit, I’ll leave it in the pan anyway after I go out” type vibe, so not really Tony Romo, but I do know where you are coming from.

Oh dear – I used to have a bit of respect for what you had to say.
But now – it is all shattered.

That’s strangely comforting…

McDonalds Coffee

And if the Celtic Tiger can take any praise its for the McCafe on Grafton Street.

Great Coffee, Great Muffins

And still great value.