Things that are right

Everything you’ve talked about is covered under national agreements. A ‘lad’ can’t roll in and change shit like that locally.

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I know. When I saw that I realised something wasn’t right. So hence I told the manager to work away and brief the staff. [quote=“maroonandwhite, post:8883, topic:5856, full:true”]

Whoa whoa whoa

Men have been shot for suggesting that

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There’s talks ongoing regarding cuts etc. HR came in looking for all these cuts … it was their starting point i.e. Look for lots, get one or two changes slipped in. Your man must have been drunk or something or dreamt that the union had bent over.

I don’t know. Nobody knows. His credibility is fucked now anyway.

At a music recital there tonight, by up and coming brass and reed musicians. Jaysus, it was unreal. The artistic talent in Ireland’s youth is a joy to behold. Really, music teachers are one of the most important professions in the country.


Played in an 11 a side association football game this morning for the first time in years.

Drew 2-2, really enjoyed it.

Some difference from 5 a side.

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About 6 players.



6 :spy:

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Oh dear edward


My grandmother had an old saying that a fool and his money are easily parted .

when she robbed your pocket money?


I got no pocket money pal . I earned .

im not your pal, mate

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You are no one’s pal , mate even , you are utterly devoid of any semblance of emotional intelligence .


Incorrect, he’s my pal,

Stop hating on my pal, mate

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I hate no one . TSG needs to chill and realise there is more to life that Internet spats . When he does , he , and all of us will be winners .

Hate is horrible and represents a defeat of the human spirit .

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy is everybody’s pal mate, he’ll stick a like on the end of one of your posts this morning and all will be forgiven. A nicer lad you couldn’t e-meet.

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