Things that are right

David is a fair ol saint too…

Let me guess…a great lad to have a pint with :clap:

Wouldnt know, have never met him. But I wouldnt give him money to invest.

The high point of the South East Clare Social Calendar


If my dog doesn’t win the dog show this year I am going to go comanche!

Being able to reverse a double linked lorry down the Quays in between cars and around a bend at 8am in the morning.
I was well impressed.
I was going to say “Well done” but it was a british reg so I punched him in the mush and told him to fook off home.

Yours etc,


Having tomorrow off.


[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Having tomorrow off.



The ‘DJ the Story’ documentary.

Hadn’t seen it since it was first on telly and have to say it’s absolutely brilliant. Great bit here relevant to the current GPA debate. McGeeney and Liam Griffin in particular make great contributions. Eamon Dunphy not so much. Any hurling man should watch the whole thing though.

They really gave up on this marketing didn’t they. Had totally forgot about the ads like that at the start.

They were class alright. I remember the homecoming for the '95 All-Ireland, about 50,000 people in the Dunnes carpark in Ennis. Loughnane walked up to the microphone and the first thing he said was “It’s been hell for leather”. The place erupted. Guinness did a great job alright. Finding another sponsor on that level would be huge for the game.

The British government has expressed “deep regret” at the death of a Tyrone man shot by a soldier 21 years ago.

Aidan McAnespie, 24, was killed as he walked through a border checkpoint at Aughnacloy in February 1988.

NI Secretary of State Shaun Woodward said the government recognised the “suffering” of the McAnespie family.

“It is a matter of deep regret that Aidan was killed by a bullet fired by a soldier which ricocheted from the road,” he said.

The soldier who fired the fatal shot claimed his hands were wet, causing him to accidentally fire the machine-gun when he was moving it inside a sanger.

However, a PSNI Historical Enquiries Team (HET) report released last year called this the “least likely version” of what happened.

Members of Mr McAnespie’s family met the secretary of state within the last week to discuss the HET report.

“Given the findings of the HET report we find it highly significant and positive that the Minister of Defence has co-signed this public statement along with the Northern Ireland Secretary,” Mr McAnespie’s niece Una McCabe said.

"For years we have fought for truth and acknowledgement.

"The HET report, in our view, represents the closest that we as a family have got to the truth of what occurred that day.

“The meeting with Shaun Woodward is the acknowledgement at official level that was missing.”

Mr Woodward said it was not for the government either to accept or comment on the specific HET findings.

"However, in overall terms the government endorses its work and has confidence in the HET’s professionalism and thoroughness.

“Since part of the objectives of the HET is to bring solace and comfort to families and loved ones, we hope this will be the case for Aidan’s family.”

Forensic evidence had suggested the fatal shot ricocheted off the road.

The soldier was charged with manslaughter, but this was later withdrawn.

He was later fined for negligent discharge of a weapon and given a medical discharge from the army.



  • boiled
  • poached
  • scrambled
  • fried

Hell even stick one on top of a pizza and it makes it.

[quote=“Watch The Break”]The ‘DJ the Story’ documentary.

Hadn’t seen it since it was first on telly and have to say it’s absolutely brilliant. Great bit here relevant to the current GPA debate. McGeeney and Liam Griffin in particular make great contributions. Eamon Dunphy not so much. Any hurling man should watch the whole thing though.

Love Griffins bit at the end…when he steps out for his cash! :rolleyes:

Hitting shuffle on your iPod and having “Elephant Stone” come up.


[quote=“myboyblue”]Hitting shuffle on your iPod and having “Elephant Stone” come up.


Which version?

The 5 min version.

:thumbsup: I probably prefer the other one but the longer version has its charms.

I love the auld build up meself, fucking top notch.

“Come as you are” has come up next, this isnt bad.

Ah fuck, there’s the 6 min version of “Love Spreads” this is an epic shuffle so far.