Things that are right

When I tend to use shuffle I generally skip to songs that are really familiar which kinda defeats the purpose.

Hmm Strangers in the Night is up now, ruining my buzz, have skipped on.

Spotting Kevin McStay outside Croker with a black eye. Well done to whoever is responsible for that.


ClarkeyCat is one of my housemates and I only found out just now that today is his birthday under the ‘events’ heading on Facebook. He’s gone up in my estimation after this.

That cunt having his John 3:7 sign robbed.

Right, very very right.

[quote=“myboyblue”]That cunt having his John 3:7 sign robbed.

Right, very very right.[/quote]

I wouldn’t say that, he is a harmless auld mad crater…TG4 are currently following him around and making a documentary on him, to be screened in October, or so he says anyway…the mad cunt

He was on the radio there-said the last time he had his sign stolen was on the train and some Clare yobbos threw it out the window.

Sorry puke, he can go fuck himself. Shoving his religion down peoples throats at sporting events, I don’t go along with it to be honest.

I heard that, think it was Kildare folk this time. And there was me thinking all Kildare folk were cunts. There might be hope for them yet.

The way the word noble has finally started to take off on here :clap:

If any other lad tried to get into Croker with a solid bit of perspex or whatever the fuck that sign is made out of, they’d be laughed out of it.

Surprised Puke is in his corner after what he said about Clare fans a few years ago.

[quote=“SHANNONSIDER**”]If any other lad tried to get into Croker with a solid bit of perspex or whatever the fuck that sign is made out of, they’d be laughed out of it.

Surprised Puke is in his corner after what he said about Clare fans a few years ago.[/quote]

what did he say, couldn’t care less he is a harmless auld codger…

Tis a noble sign too

[quote=“SHANNONSIDER**”]If any other lad tried to get into Croker with a solid bit of perspex or whatever the fuck that sign is made out of, they’d be laughed out of it.


I’ll never forget that bit Breaking Ball did on him, he looked like quite the fucking space cadet.

Just back from 11 days in Malaysia. Spent most of it lying in a hammock on a tropical beach or swimming with turtles and sharks. Absolutely animal. I’d thoroughly recommend it to anyone.

Heinz Deli Mayo Caramelised Onion Sandwich Spread :smiley:

Warning: May Cause Extreme Flatulence

[quote=“balloobasluvsbeer”]Heinz Deli Mayo Caramelised Onion Sandwich Spread :smiley:

Warning: May Cause Extreme Flatulence[/quote]


ballooba your love of food is matched only by myself…

Old Skool. :smiley:

wouldnt mind going back- only spent a day or 2 in KL but it was deadly

AirAsia fly from stanstead for pretty cheap - around 200

anyone ever flown with them?