Things that are right

Millie Clode

[quote=“HBV*”]Millie Clode[/quote]


That perfect bag of chips.


What brings you to Limerick of a Monday night?

Any more of them going Sledge?

French cider

It’s nicer than Irish cider

Rock shandy. I think it’s right but I could be wrong.

It is oh so right :thumbsup:

Grand aul thirst quencher after a bit of sport.

Noble drink alright but you wouldn’t drink too much of it all the same…

There has been a stand-off between Gardai and a notorious criminal gang at Limerick District Court this afternoon after a solicitor apparently came under attack.

It is alleged a senior member of the McCarthy/Dundon gang grabbed the solicitor by the throat and threw him to the ground just outside the doors of the courtroom.

Armed detectives and the Regional Support Unit were called to the scene.

When the court resumed armed Gardai remained posted at the entrance and the solicitor informed the judge he had just been assaulted and was too upset to continue.

That was John Devane. Local solicitor to the scum.

I hope he was given a proper beating but the fact it resulted in a trial being delayed means it was probably a stunt pulled between himself and the client.

[quote=“The Runt”]That was John Devane. Local solicitor to the scum.

I hope he was given a proper beating but the fact it resulted in a trial being delayed means it was probably a stunt pulled between himself and the client.[/quote]

John Devane is a good clonlara man i will let you know runty…

why doesn’t that surprise me.

Did you object to some lad having a helicopter landing pad in Clonlara?

[quote=“The Runt”]why doesn’t that surprise me.

Did you object to some lad having a helicopter landing pad in Clonlara?[/quote]

He isn’t actually but bought a house out there a few months ago and a few weeks later he was in the Clare People as ‘Clonlara Solicitor’…a cunt of a man…wonder is his book any good…

I didn’t object him but a good few in the village did i think…

Haribo Golden Bears

A haribo bear broke one of my teeth once. I got back at him though…

Old school!