Things that are right

Arsenal ace Arshavin tells wife Yulia to keep quiet

Andrey’s wife, Yulia, was in trouble earlier this year for claiming that English people were ‘too reserved’, the country was ‘dull’ and the food was sub-standard.

However, Andrey revealed: 'I’ve prohibited her from complaining about life in England. ‘Since then there have been no more criticisms.’

Coming from a man who said he would ban all women from driving because they were too dangerous, it would be fair to assume Arshavin takes a traditional view of a woman’s role in society…


And the obligatory picture of the bint

[quote=“myboyblue”]Arsenal ace Arshavin tells wife Yulia to keep quiet

Andrey’s wife, Yulia, was in trouble earlier this year for claiming that English people were ‘too reserved’, the country was ‘dull’ and the food was sub-standard.

However, Andrey revealed: 'I’ve prohibited her from complaining about life in England. ‘Since then there have been no more criticisms.’

Coming from a man who said he would ban all women from driving because they were too dangerous, it would be fair to assume Arshavin takes a traditional view of a woman’s role in society… [/quote]

Ah that’s brilliant. Fair play Andrey :clap: :thumbsup: :smiley:

The rumor: The LG GD910 was unveiled to the world at January’s Consumer Electronics Show, where the cell phone-in-a-wristwatch caught the imagination of Dick Tracy fans everywhere.

Status: Originally thought to be no more than a vaporware prototype, the Watch Phone seems to be inching toward reality; it was OKed by the FCC in July, which means that a fall 2009 launch is certainly a possibility (just don’t expect it to be cheap). In the meantime, check out the hands-on video from CNET UK, where the Watch Phone is already available;slideNavigation


The rumor: The LG GD910 was unveiled to the world at January’s Consumer Electronics Show, where the cell phone-in-a-wristwatch caught the imagination of Dick Tracy fans everywhere.

Status: Originally thought to be no more than a vaporware prototype, the Watch Phone seems to be inching toward reality; it was OKed by the FCC in July, which means that a fall 2009 launch is certainly a possibility (just don’t expect it to be cheap). In the meantime, check out the hands-on video from CNET UK, where the Watch Phone is already available;slideNavigation[/quote]

Maybe Rocko might be able to make a phone call on that as it’s a different type of phone??

my daugters first words

i can confirm it wasnt
etc etc

[quote=“north county corncrake”]my daugters first words

i can confirm it wasnt
etc etc[/quote]

Did she look at you like this :clap: ?

Congrats by the way

[quote=“north county corncrake”]my daugters first words

i can confirm it wasnt
etc etc[/quote]

Keep on hooping?

unfortunatley not

“Give us a toke”

[quote=“Mac”]Did she look at you like this :clap: ?

Congrats by the way[/quote]


[quote=“Mac”]Did she look at you like this :smiley: ?

Congrats by the way[/quote]


withdraw that comment

I believe the Alliance are working on a white paper which argues that NCC is better than Art Foley because he has reproduced more often. We are working around the clock on a counter argument.


:eek: please dont bracket me with fooley

mark my words- before the year is out you willfeel the force of a can of dutch gold against your head- of that I can assure you

we don’t give a willy, we don’t give a wank
We are the Limerick, NORTH BANK

[quote=“The Runt”]we don’t give a willy, we don’t give a wank
We are the Limerick, NORTH BANK[/quote]


[quote=“north county corncrake”]my daugters first words

i can confirm it wasnt
etc etc[/quote]
