Things that are right

I mentioned this on here before but here it is in action:

I love the idea.

[quote=“cluaindiuic”]I mentioned this on here before but here it is in action:

I love the idea.[/quote]

Thinly veiled “I wish my porno mags would have moving pictures”.
Its ok. Everyone does.

Yours etc,

Has anyone had that prank call recording about the lad with the dead dog in his boot sent onto them…funniest thing i have heard in years…can’t find it online though

I have a four day working holiday next week then only two meaningful hours of work til I’m off for three weeks.

And those two hours will be spent on a football pitch…

Public service pay cuts.





An honest days work for an honest days pay is alls we want.

Wait now - Is this a Wind Up? Flano?

An honest days work for an honest days pay is alls we want.

Wait now - Is this a Wind Up? Flano?[/quote]


Well put Tittrots.

Well put Tittrots.[/quote]

Hey wait now, wait now…stall the ball here

You must be NCC because thats how he addresses me and and and now thats how you addressed me…

And And aswell NCC is a civil servant and the you have let it slip that you are a civil servant…



I’m off to the jacks for a wank.

An honest days work for an honest days pay is alls we want.

Wait now - Is this a Wind Up? Flano?[/quote]

How honest is your day’s work? And why is your honest day’s pay worth more than that of the private sector?

[quote=“tipptops*”]Hey wait now, wait now…stall the ball here

You must be NCC because thats how he addresses me and and and now thats how you addressed me…

And And aswell NCC is a civil servant and the you have let it slip that you are a civil servant…



I’m off to the jacks for a wank.[/quote]

Take your time mate. :wink:

All the surveys that have been done comparing the public sector to the private sector pay wise were done before the pension levy came in. The next comparison is the one to be looking at.

From what I’m hearing pay is going to be left alone in January but increments are going to be frozen.

aren’t you on the scratcher clarkey ?

they can start by cutting the stipend for you sitting at home looking at porn on bandage’s laptop

[quote=“artfoley”]aren’t you on the scratcher clarkey ?

they can start by cutting the stipend for you sitting at home looking at porn on bandage’s laptop[/quote]

Sure am, art, and I’m in favour of social welfare cuts too.

:thumbsup: :clap::clap:

Certainly right if not a gift

Lily Allen retiring from all musical performance

Green Shoots my men, Green Shoots

Has anyone ever been on Has a random collection of quotes and coversations built up over time. This is a good one:

#642195 +(7594)- [X]

sweet17: Hi
bloodninja: hello
bloodninja: who is this?
sweet17: just a someone?
bloodninja: A someone I know?
sweet17: nope
bloodninja: Then why the hell are you bothering me?
sweet17: well sorrrrrry
sweet17: I just wanted to chat with you
bloodninja: why?
sweet17: nevermind your an jerk
bloodninja: Hey wait a minute
sweet17: yes?
bloodninja: look Im sorry. Im just a little paranoid
sweet17: paranoid?
bloodninja: yes
sweet17: of what?
sweet17: me?
bloodninja: No. Im in hiding.
sweet17: LOL
bloodninja: Dont fucking laugh at me!
bloodninja: This shit is serious!
sweet17: What are you hiding from?
bloodninja: The cops.
sweet17: gimme a fucking break
bloodninja: Im serious.
sweet17: I dont get it
bloodninja: The cops are after me.
sweet17: For what?
bloodninja: Im wanted in three states
sweet17: For???
bloodninja: Its kindof embarrasing.
bloodninja: I had sex with a turkey.
bloodninja: Hello?
sweet17: You are fucking sick.
bloodninja: Send me your picture.
sweet17: why?
bloodninja: so I know you arent one of them.
sweet17: One of what?
bloodninja: The cops.
sweet17: Im not a cop i told you
bloodninja: Then send me your picture.
sweet17: hold on
bloodninja: Hurry up.
bloodninja: Are you there?
bloodninja: fuck you, cop!
sweet17: Hey sorry
sweet17: I had to do something for my mom.
bloodninja: I thought you were trying to find a picture to send to me.
bloodninja: When really you were notifying the authorities.
bloodninja: Werent you!?
sweet17: thats not it
bloodninja: Then what?
sweet17: I dont want to send you the picture cause Im not pretty
bloodninja: Most cops arent
bloodninja: Then send me the picture.
sweet17: fine. Whats your e-mail?
bloodninja: Just send it through here.
sweet17: alright PIC
sweet17: Did you get it?
bloodninja: Hold on. Im looking.
sweet17: That was me back in may
sweet17: Ive lost weight since then.
bloodninja: I hope so
sweet17: what?!?
sweet17: that hurt my feelings.
bloodninja: Did it?
sweet17: Yes. Im not that much smaller than that now.
bloodninja: Will it make you feel better if I send you my picture?
sweet17: yes
bloodninja: Alright let me find it.
sweet17: kks
bloodninja: Okay here it is. PIC
sweet17: this isnt you.
bloodninja: Ill be damned if it aint!
sweet17: You dont look like that.
bloodninja: How the hell do you know?
sweet17: cause your profile has another picture.
bloodninja: The profile pic is a fake.
bloodninja: I use it to hide from the cops.
sweet17: You look like the Farm Fresh guy lol
bloodninja: Well, you look like you ATE the Farm Fresh guy.
bloodninja: Not to mention all the groceries.
sweet17: Go fuck yourself
bloodninja: I was going to until I saw that picture
bloodninja: Now my unit wont get hard for a week.
sweet17: I shouldnt have sent you that picture.
sweet17: Youve done nothing but slam me.
sweet17: you hurt me.
bloodninja: And calling me the Farm Fresh guy doesnt hurt me?
sweet17: I thought you were bullcrapping me!
bloodninja: Why would I do that?
sweet17: I cant believe that cops are after you
bloodninja: I cant believe Santa lets you sit on his lap…
sweet17: FUCK YOU!!!
bloodninja: Youd break both of his legs.
sweet17: Youre a fucking wanker!
sweet17: Ive been teased my whole life because of my weight
sweet17: and you make fun of me when you dont even know me
bloodninja: Ok. Im sorry.
sweet17: No you arent
bloodninja: Youre right. Im not.
bloodninja: HAARRRRR!
sweet17: Im done with you
bloodninja: Aww. Im sorry.
sweet17: Im putting you on ignore
bloodninja: Wait a sec
bloodninja: We got off on the wrong foot.
bloodninja: Wanna start over?
sweet17: No
bloodninja: Ill eat your kitty
sweet17: Youll what?
bloodninja: You heard me.
bloodninja: I said Id eat your kitty.
sweet17: I thought you said you couldnt get it hard after seeing my picture
bloodninja: Do I need a hard-on to eat your kitty?
sweet17: Id like to know that the man eating me out is excited yes
bloodninja: Well Im not like most men.
bloodninja: I get excited in different ways.
sweet17: Like what?
bloodninja: Do you really wanna know?
sweet17: I dont know
bloodninja: You have to tell me yes or no.
sweet17: Im afraid to
bloodninja: Why?
sweet17: cause
bloodninja: cause why?
sweet17: well lets see
sweet17: you say you have sex with turkeys. You call me fat. then you wanna eat me out
sweet17: doesnt that seem strange to you?
bloodninja: Nope
sweet17: well its strange to me
bloodninja: Fine. I wont do it if you dont want me to
sweet17: I didnt say that
bloodninja: So is that a yes?
sweet17: I guess so.
bloodninja: Ok. I need your help getting excited though.
bloodninja: Are you willing?
sweet17: What do you need me to do?
bloodninja: I need you talk like a pirate.
sweet17: ???
bloodninja: When I start to go limp you say HARRRR!!!
bloodninja: ok?
bloodninja: Hello?
sweet17: You cant be serious
bloodninja: Oh yes I am!
bloodninja: Its my fantasy.
sweet17: this is retarded
bloodninja: Do you want it or not?
sweet17: Yes I want it.
bloodninja: Then youll do it for me?
sweet17: sure
bloodninja: Ok. Here we go.
bloodninja: I gently remove your panties and being to massage your thighs.
bloodninja: You get really juicy thinking about my tounge brushing up against them
bloodninja: I softly begin to tounge your wet kitty.
bloodninja: I run my tounge up and down your smooth cunt.
sweet17: mmmm yeah
bloodninja: uh oh going limp.
sweet17: Har
bloodninja: You gotta do better than that!
bloodninja: Your picture was really bad.
bloodninja: Ahhhh. Much better. I feel your kitty get more moist with every stroke.
bloodninja: I softly suck on your clit bringing it in and out of my mouth.
bloodninja: Your juices run down my chin as your scent makes its way to my nose.
bloodninja: I begin to feel empowered by your femininity.
sweet17: mmmmmm you are good
bloodninja: I feel your thighs tighten as I fuck harder
bloodninja: going limp
sweet17: HARRRRRRR
bloodninja: Mmmm I grab your swelling buttocks in my hands.
bloodninja: You begin to sway back and forth.
bloodninja: going limp
sweet17: this is stupid
bloodninja: still limp
bloodninja: Do it!
bloodninja: I turn you around to lick your asshole.
bloodninja: I pry apart that battleship you call your ass.
bloodninja: I see poo nuggets hanging from the hair around your ass.
sweet17: WTF?!?!?
bloodninja: They stink really bad.
sweet17: OMG STOP!!!
bloodninja: I start to get fed up with your ugly ass
bloodninja: I tear off your wooden peg leg.
bloodninja: I ram it up your ass.
bloodninja: Then I pour hot carmel over your head.
bloodninja: And turn you into a fucking candy apple
bloodninja: I kick you in the face!
bloodninja: The celluloid from your cheeks hits the side of the cabin
bloodninja: Your parrot flys away.
bloodninja: going limp again.
bloodninja: Hello?
bloodninja: Say it!
bloodninja: HAARRRRRR!!!

Ian Brown sorting out dick from T4