Things that are right

[quote=“Spidey”]Ian Brown sorting out dick from T4

YouTube - Ian Brown interview ends in hostility[/quote]

Fucking 'ave 'im Browine

[quote=“Spidey”]Ian Brown sorting out dick from T4

YouTube - Ian Brown interview ends in hostility[/quote]

taffy cunt:mad:

Being reunited with the hoodie I thought I had lost on a drinking session two weeks ago. Incredible scenes last night when I located it under my bed.

Wearing a hoodie on a night out.

What a scumbag :pint:

[quote=“Watch The Break”]Wearing a hoodie on a night out.

What a scumbag :pint:[/quote]

This isn’t a scumbag hoodie. It’s a classy going out sort of one.

Like the ones in Pennys?

Exactly like the ones in Pennys :thumbsup:

The ultimage marijuana growing set up

Returning home from a half-day at work only to discover that you now have Racing UK on your tv… :rolleyes:

Ireland tops press freedom index


Press freedom watchdog Reporters Sans Frontires (RSF) has warned that changes in legislation are proving a threat to press freedom in Europe following the publication of its worldwide Press Freedom Index.

The Paris-based organisation which measures the freedom of the press around the globe, ranked Ireland in joint-first position with Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden in the Press Freedom Index 2009.

Ireland jumped from joint fourth in last year’s index and from eighth position in the previous year’s index.

The United Kingdom did not fare as well, rising three places to joint 20th position while the ‘Obama effect’ saw the United States climb 20 places from 40th to joint 20th.

Europe, which the organisation said, “long set an example in press freedom”, saw several countries fall in the rankings.

France fell eight places to 43rd, Slovakia from joint-seventh to 44th and Italy fell five places to 49th.

Italy, Spain and the Balkan countries were singled out as countries where journalists are physically threatened.

Changes in legislation have been identified as posing the greatest threat to press freedom in Europe. According to RSF, many laws adopted since September 2008, have “compromised” the work of journalists.

Slovakia was singled out where the “dangerous concept” of an automatic right of response and has given the culture minister “considerable influence” over publications.

It is disturbing to see European democracies such as France, Italy and Slovakia fall steadily in the rankings year after year, Reporters Without Borders secretary-general Jean-Franois said on publication of the report.

Europe should be setting an example as regards civil liberties. How can you condemn human rights violations abroad if you do not behave irreproachably at home? The Obama effect, which has enabled the United States to recover 20 places in the index, is not enough to reassure us.

Israel lost its coveted position at the head of Middle Eastern countries due to the military offensive against the Gaza Strip.

The organisation said Israel was adopting the same methods internally that it uses outside its own territory, including the arrest of journalists and increased military censorship, which it said is posing a threat to journalists.

The arrest of five journalists in Israel (Israeli territory) and the imprisonment of three journalists during ‘Operation Cast Lead’, led to a ‘nose-dive’ of 47 places to 93rd position. It now sits behind Guinea-Bissau (92nd), Mongolia (91st) and Ukraine (89th) in the list.

Israel was also rated according to its extra-territorial actions, with a particular emphasis on its actions within the Gaza Strip.

RSF said the toll on press freedom due to the war in the Gaza Strip was “very heavy” where it reported that 20 journalists were injured by Israeli military forces and three were killed while covering the offensive.

The watchdog placed Israel (extra-territorial) at 150th position - below Sudan (148th), Democratic Republic of Congo (146th) and Iraq (145th).

The Press Freedom Index is compiled based on questionaires answered by hundreds of journalists and media experts around the world.

Just reading that in the Irish Times.

Odd that we are deemed to have so much more freedom than Britain when we really only have the Irish Times and Thomas Crosbie companies to add to their offerings from Murdoch and INM. Even our television is either state-owned or UK owned.

I suppose it all depends on how people answered the questionnaire but I think Britain has a far better culture of investigative reporting and independent reporting.

[quote=“Rocko”]Just reading that in the Irish Times.

Odd that we are deemed to have so much more freedom than Britain when we really only have the Irish Times and Thomas Crosbie companies to add to their offerings from Murdoch and INM. Even our television is either state-owned or UK owned.

I suppose it all depends on how people answered the questionnaire but I think Britain has a far better culture of investigative reporting and independent reporting.[/quote]

I just found it interesting that Israel (which ranked 93rd alongside Mongolia in it’s own territory and below the Congo and Iraq in it’s occupation zones) considers Ireland, Sweden, and Norway (joint first) it’s arch-enemies and great bastions of anti-semitism in Europe.

They must have met Kev.

Being inside and hearing the rain lashing against the window.

Even better if I was at home in bed.

Picking up the trophy in front of the lads you’ve just beaten, sweet…

who’re them lads?

Dunnamaggin and Ferns. Dunnamaggin won the Leinster hurling league. Found it in on the Leinster GAA site when I was looking for the Leinster Railway Cup team cos I thought Bandage had foresaken us.

Leinster hurling league? Is that still going?
The Ferns lad to the extreme right seems to be taking it hard mind.