Things that are right

I do my own thing flano.

You need to have a thing before you can do it. Hi yo.


…Dooby :thumbsup:

crispy pancakes…

Not necessarily Puke, I know a complete animal of a lad that puked into the pancake mix after a weekend of beer a few years ago and said nothing to any supervisor etc about it. He has left that place a long time ago now but his legend lives on, the sick cunt.
I hope this is not true but a lad from at home was working there at the time and claims to have witnessed the act. :eek:

american padraig nally


hA recording has emerged of a dramatic emergency call made by a woman who shot dead an intruder.

Billy Dean Riley

Riley was shot in Lincoln County. Pic:

Donna Jackson, 57, told the man who was breaking into her Oklahoma house that she had a gun and was prepared to use it, according to local officials.

But Billy Dean Riley ignored her warning and smashed through a glass door to enter her rural home in Lincoln County in the early hours of Friday.

In the recording of Ms Jackson’s 911 call, she can be heard telling the operator: “I don’t want to have to kill this man, but Ill kill him graveyard dead ma’am.”

The operator replies: “I understand.”

Ms Jackson continues: "He’s walking back and forth on the porch. He looks to be an older man, I don’t want to kill him.


“He’s going to make it in, please hurry ma’am. I think he’s drunk. He doesn’t know where his pick-up’s at. God, I don’t want to kill this man.”

Loud crashes signal 53-year-old Riley breaking into her home, before a single gun shot is heard.

Ms Jackson then cries: “Please dear God, I think I killed him. Please Father in heaven, oh my God.”

Riley had crashed his pick-up truck near to Ms Jackson’s home.

Joan Herd, the operator who handled the call, told news website “For me listening to the call, the hardest part was hearing her pray for forgiveness, being put in a position that no one should ever have to be put into.”

The case is being investigated, but it is thought likely Ms Jackson’s actions will be covered by state laws allowing self-defence.

The case is being investigated, but it is thought likely Ms Jackson’s actions will be covered by state laws allowing self-defence.[/quote]


I’ve got one working day left til I’m off for 3 weeks. And it’s going to be a piss easy one.

Finished work an hour ago and free for 24days in a row. Heading down to Cork tomorrow where I fully intend to disgrace myself. Looking forward to feeling no remorse/shame etc for my actions the following day as nobody knows me down there.
If anyone knows any decent boozers for a day session post them up here please. I’m talking about dark, old man type boozers that maybe have a jukebox or will play cds if you ask them etc. Is there any other pubs around that are similar to the bodhran?, love that place but I’d like to find another similar spot if I could. No flashy places such as the Old Oak or spots of that nature please.

Coming home from the boozer with more money than you went down with

62 things culchies like

1 A nice bit of ham.
2 Buttered biscuits.
3 Diggin Houles.
4 Saying its too cold to snow
5 Pretending to know about The Ra.
6 Tayto Cheese & Onion
7 Pretending they’re in The Ra.
8 A stretch in the evenings
9 Lucozade
10 Accordians
11 Pretending to like Holy Week
12 A dinner dance
13 Gettin clattered in muck
14 Shania Twain
15 Hefers
16 Spittin in their hands before doing anything manual
17 Steel toe caps
18 A big bowl of carrots & parsnips
19 Eating sangwiches out of the boot of a car at the GAA
20 Saying someones ‘Opened a Book’ on something
21 The smell of fresh dung
22 Slice-Your-Own Loaf
23 Work Clothes
24 A bottle of mineral
25 Fightin’
26 Puttin on a ganzee to stop them from bein foundered
27 ‘The’ Hurling/Fitball
28 Being overweight
29 Wimen wha resemble hefers
30 Saying “Aaah” after taking their first sup of tae
31 Drink driving
32 Red diesel
33 The Fear of Change
34 A nice bit of Barnbrac
35 Lying
36 Building walls
37 Being starved with the cold rather than with a lack of food
38 Pretending to like mass
39 Talking about ***** like Flax and the Corncrake
40 A good blackthorn walkin stick
41 Shouting ‘Yeeeeeoooo’ when something good happens
42 Mohammed Ali
43 Machinery
44 Strange uppy-downy walks
45 A good f**kin read of Irelands Own
46 Gelling their 1cm fringe tight to their forehead
47 Scandal, as long as its about other people
48 Turf, because Sentirl heatin’s for wimen
49 Soda farls
50 Sponge ‘n Custirt
51 Newmerica’, and anything to do with it
52 Givin the dog the wildest baytins
53 Givin the wife the wildest baytins
54 The Ra
55 Winning a leg of lamb in a raffle
56 Wrecking the house whilst steaming
57 Club Orange
58 Rubbing their hands together before tucking into their dinner
59 The Foot & Mouth
60 Aetin’ a big feed of spuds
61 TK Red Lemonade
62 Good short hair for boys and nice long hair for the wimen (it confuses them otherwise)
63 Flegs
64 Starting conversations with ‘guess who’s dead?’
65 Listening to the death notices on the radio
66 Durty fingernails
67 An extended family tree (e.g She was Pascal’s wife’s cousin’s mother)
68 Saying ‘That’s Parful’ on a regular basis
69 A nice glass of milk with your dinner (it’s parful good for ye)
70 Saying ‘turra’ instead of terrible
71 Saying the words ‘thon’ and ‘bai’. ‘See thon bai over thur’
72 Calling any wheeled transportation device a ‘yoke’.
73 Pronouncing ‘peugeot’ as ‘pew-jo’ (and filling it with red diesel)

46 Gelling their 1cm fringe tight to their forehead

This is more of an innercity skanger thing. The other things are very funny and all of them seem to apply to Tipperary people :thumbsup:

[quote=“myboyblue”]62 things culchies like

73 [/quote]


There’s 9 thing in there culchies dont like, its up to you to find them. I shouldnt have to spell everything out gman.

73-62=? :rolleyes:

There’s 2 in there that are common to both. :thumbsup:

14 Shania Twain
15 Hefers
18 A big bowl of carrots & parsnips
26 Puttin on a ganzee to stop them from bein foundered
29 Wimen wha resemble hefers
39 Talking about ***** like Flax and the Corncrake
46 Gelling their 1cm fringe tight to their forehead
59 The Foot & Mouth
63 Flegs
70 Saying ‘turra’ instead of terrible
71 Saying the words ‘thon’ and ‘bai’. ‘See thon bai over thur’


Toffee Nut Lattes in Starbucks.

Is that a “Thing that is right”


a “Thing Boggers Like”
