Things that are right

[quote=“The Runt”]Is that a “Thing that is right”


a “Thing Boggers Like”


:clap: they’re quality

eature=related"]YouTube- The Wonder Years, Seasons 1-4 Opening[/ame]

[quote=“myboyblue”]62 things culchies like

1 A nice bit of ham.
2 Buttered biscuits.
3 Diggin Houles.
4 Saying its too cold to snow
5 Pretending to know about The Ra.
6 Tayto Cheese & Onion
7 Pretending they’re in The Ra.
8 A stretch in the evenings
9 Lucozade
10 Accordians
11 Pretending to like Holy Week
12 A dinner dance
13 Gettin clattered in muck
14 Shania Twain
15 Hefers
16 Spittin in their hands before doing anything manual
17 Steel toe caps
18 A big bowl of carrots & parsnips
19 Eating sangwiches out of the boot of a car at the GAA
20 Saying someones ‘Opened a Book’ on something
21 The smell of fresh dung
22 Slice-Your-Own Loaf
23 Work Clothes
24 A bottle of mineral
25 Fightin’
26 Puttin on a ganzee to stop them from bein foundered
27 ‘The’ Hurling/Fitball
28 Being overweight
29 Wimen wha resemble hefers
30 Saying “Aaah” after taking their first sup of tae
31 Drink driving
32 Red diesel
33 The Fear of Change
34 A nice bit of Barnbrac
35 Lying
36 Building walls
37 Being starved with the cold rather than with a lack of food
38 Pretending to like mass
39 Talking about ***** like Flax and the Corncrake
40 A good blackthorn walkin stick
41 Shouting ‘Yeeeeeoooo’ when something good happens
42 Mohammed Ali
43 Machinery
44 Strange uppy-downy walks
45 A good f**kin read of Irelands Own
46 Gelling their 1cm fringe tight to their forehead
47 Scandal, as long as its about other people
48 Turf, because Sentirl heatin’s for wimen
49 Soda farls
50 Sponge ‘n Custirt
51 Newmerica’, and anything to do with it
52 Givin the dog the wildest baytins
53 Givin the wife the wildest baytins
54 The Ra
55 Winning a leg of lamb in a raffle
56 Wrecking the house whilst steaming
57 Club Orange
58 Rubbing their hands together before tucking into their dinner
59 The Foot & Mouth
60 Aetin’ a big feed of spuds
61 TK Red Lemonade
62 Good short hair for boys and nice long hair for the wimen (it confuses them otherwise)
63 Flegs
64 Starting conversations with ‘guess who’s dead?’
65 Listening to the death notices on the radio
66 Durty fingernails
67 An extended family tree (e.g She was Pascal’s wife’s cousin’s mother)
68 Saying ‘That’s Parful’ on a regular basis
69 A nice glass of milk with your dinner (it’s parful good for ye)
70 Saying ‘turra’ instead of terrible
71 Saying the words ‘thon’ and ‘bai’. ‘See thon bai over thur’
72 Calling any wheeled transportation device a ‘yoke’.
73 Pronouncing ‘peugeot’ as ‘pew-jo’ (and filling it with red diesel)[/quote]

Seen these before, they’re obviously about nordie boggers. 3, 7, 26, 27, 70 and 71 are giveaways anyway…

Along with a list of quotes from Micheal O’Muircheartaigh this is the sort of shit complete retards have on their bebo pages. It’s like a star of david but for boring gobshites.

Throw some cayenne pepper in along with a packet of knorr quick soup spicy tomato to give it a kick, fooking superb.

[quote=“balloobasluvsbeer”]Throw some cayenne pepper in along with a packet of knorr quick soup spicy tomato to give it a kick, fooking superb.[/quote]:clap:Bingo always have the auld cayenne at hand for soups & chillis . :clap:

I am not a big coffee drinker but every now and again I am partial to the odd cup.

As far as coffee out of a jar goes I must say that Nescafe is fairly nice and has really hit the spot this morning, as it does most mornings I must say.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]I am not a big coffee drinker but every now and again I am partial to the odd cup.

As far as coffee out of a jar goes I must say that Nescafe is fairly nice and has really hit the spot this morning, as it does most mornings I must say.[/quote]

:eek: Those Nescafe bastards must have kidnapped him.

Free the Nescafe 1 :guns::guns::guns:

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]I am not a big coffee drinker but every now and again I am partial to the odd cup.

As far as coffee out of a jar goes I must say that Nescafe is fairly nice and has really hit the spot this morning, as it does most mornings I must say.[/quote]

We have a savage coffee machine here at work. One of the java republic ones, that grinds the beans and all. Since I’ve started drinking the coffee from that I can’t touch the instant stuff.

Farmer supports slave labour.


Companies Import Cocoa Beans from Africa Cultivated and Harvested by Children


A leading human rights organization sued the Nestle, Archer Daniels Midland, and Cargill companies today in Federal District Court in Los Angeles for involvement in the trafficking, torture, and forced labor of children who cultivate and harvest cocoa beans which the companies import from Africa. The suit was brought under two federal statutes, the Torture Victims Protection Act and the Alien Tort Claims Act

The Washington, DC-based International Labor Rights Fund (ILRF), along with Alabama-based civil rights firm Wiggins, Childs, Quinn & Pantazis, LLC, filed suit on behalf of a class of Malian children who were trafficked from Mali into the Ivory Coast and forced to work twelve to fourteen hours a day with no pay, little food and sleep, and frequent beatings. The three children acting as class representative plaintiffs are proceeding anonymously, as John Does, because of feared retaliation by the farm owners where they worked.

“It is unconscionable that Nestle, ADM and Cargill have ignored repeated and well-documented warnings over the past several years that the farms they were using to grow cocoa employed child slave labor. They could have put a stop to it years ago, but chose to look the other way. We had to go to court as a last resort,” said ILRF attorney, Natacha Thys.

Global Exchange, a San Francisco-based human rights group, has also joined the Complaint and, along with the former child laborers, have also sued Nestle under California’s unfair business practice law for false or misleading statements. Global Exchange alleges that to date no effective steps have been taken by the companies to prevent the use of child labor on farms producing cocoa for companies like Nestle, and that these companies have nevertheless led their members and the public to believe otherwise.

Global Exchange will also sponsor demonstrations against Nestle in cities all over the U.S. timed with the opening of the film, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.”

The complaint follows the July 1, 2005 deadline identified in a voluntary industry initiative, known as the Harkin-Engel Protocol, to eliminate the worst forms of child labor in the West African cocoa industry. A key part of the Protocol was an obligation to have in place an independent and credible system of farm monitoring, certification, and verification to ensure that child labor was not still taking place, and to also have effective programs on the ground to address and rehabilitate child laborers. The industry failed to establish such a system by the July 1, 2005 deadline, several years since reported stories of child labor in the West Africa cocoa sector began to appear and three years since the Protocol was announced

I was out in a client’s about a month back and was dying for a cup of tea so asked them if there was a kitchen. ‘We have a great kitchen downstairs’ they replied, ‘there’s a Starbucks coffee machine in there’. So I toddled off down wanting my cup of tea and couldn’t find a kettle or a hot tap anywhere. The coffee machine was the most complicated looking yoke I ever saw in my life.

I said I would give it a go and pressed a few randome buttons which resulted in coffee flying all over the place. I cleaned the place up as best I could and got to hell out of there.

[quote=“sid waddell”]Farmer supports slave labour.


Companies Import Cocoa Beans from Africa Cultivated and Harvested by Children


A leading human rights organization sued the Nestle, Archer Daniels Midland, and Cargill companies today in Federal District Court in Los Angeles for involvement in the trafficking, torture, and forced labor of children who cultivate and harvest cocoa beans which the companies import from Africa. The suit was brought under two federal statutes, the Torture Victims Protection Act and the Alien Tort Claims Act

The Washington, DC-based International Labor Rights Fund (ILRF), along with Alabama-based civil rights firm Wiggins, Childs, Quinn & Pantazis, LLC, filed suit on behalf of a class of Malian children who were trafficked from Mali into the Ivory Coast and forced to work twelve to fourteen hours a day with no pay, little food and sleep, and frequent beatings. The three children acting as class representative plaintiffs are proceeding anonymously, as John Does, because of feared retaliation by the farm owners where they worked.

“It is unconscionable that Nestle, ADM and Cargill have ignored repeated and well-documented warnings over the past several years that the farms they were using to grow cocoa employed child slave labor. They could have put a stop to it years ago, but chose to look the other way. We had to go to court as a last resort,” said ILRF attorney, Natacha Thys.

Global Exchange, a San Francisco-based human rights group, has also joined the Complaint and, along with the former child laborers, have also sued Nestle under California’s unfair business practice law for false or misleading statements. Global Exchange alleges that to date no effective steps have been taken by the companies to prevent the use of child labor on farms producing cocoa for companies like Nestle, and that these companies have nevertheless led their members and the public to believe otherwise.

Global Exchange will also sponsor demonstrations against Nestle in cities all over the U.S. timed with the opening of the film, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.”

The complaint follows the July 1, 2005 deadline identified in a voluntary industry initiative, known as the Harkin-Engel Protocol, to eliminate the worst forms of child labor in the West African cocoa industry. A key part of the Protocol was an obligation to have in place an independent and credible system of farm monitoring, certification, and verification to ensure that child labor was not still taking place, and to also have effective programs on the ground to address and rehabilitate child laborers. The industry failed to establish such a system by the July 1, 2005 deadline, several years since reported stories of child labor in the West Africa cocoa sector began to appear and three years since the Protocol was announced[/quote]

It tastes nice is all I said.


[quote=“farmerinthecity”]I was out in a client’s about a month back and was dying for a cup of tea so asked them if there was a kitchen. ‘We have a great kitchen downstairs’ they replied, ‘there’s a Starbucks coffee machine in there’. So I toddled off down wanting my cup of tea and couldn’t find a kettle or a hot tap anywhere. The coffee machine was the most complicated looking yoke I ever saw in my life.

I said I would give it a go and pressed a few randome buttons which resulted in coffee flying all over the place. I cleaned the place up as best I could and got to hell out of there.[/quote]

Ya, I just have plain, black coffee. I tried to make a capachino in the machine once and there was froth and steam going everywhere.

Kate Winslot’s rack in Titanic, magnificent :clap:

An open fire on a night like tonight.

It always amuses me that RT show Titanic during the day every Christmas. I wonder have they not watched it in years and completely forgot that she gets them out in the middle of it.

Long may RTEs tradition continue, her tits are the only good thing about that cunt of a film. Made a fatal mistake of going to the cinema to see it years ago. The seat was too small for me and my hole was broke in two by the time it finished.

Free xmas pints. had six of them in the “locals” tonight. thank you diageo.

DUP First Minister’s wife Iris Robinson quits politics :thumbsup:

Iris Robinson annouces that she will quit politics
The wife of Northern Ireland First Minister Peter Robinson is quitting politics after admitting she is battling mental illness.

Iris Robinson, the Democratic Unionist MP for Strangford and a member of the Stormont Assembly, announced she is withdrawing from public life.

She told the Press Association on Monday that she had severe depression.

“The stress and strain of public life comes at a cost and my health has suffered,” she said.

Mrs Robinson’s decision to leave office followed talks with her husband over Christmas.

“As many people will be aware, I have recently tried to return to the full-time work of representing my constituents following my latest period of illness,” she said.

“Over the years, I have undergone a long series of operations and though I have never talked about it publicly, I have, against this background, also battled against serious bouts of depression,” she said.

"Only those who have faced similar challenges in life will know the ordeal faced by those who are profoundly depressed and the distress caused to those around them as they grapple with personality changing illness.

“One in four of the population struggle with mental illnesses at one level or another yet few talk about it openly. When I am better able to do so, I want to say more about this period of my life.”

Mrs Robinson, 60, a mother of three, has been an MP since 2001. Her husband has represented east Belfast since 1979.

She is the former chairperson of the health committee at the Northern Ireland Assembly and earlier this year provoked outrage within the gay community by claiming homosexuality was “an abomination” and that, with help, gay people could be “turned around”.

this website : :clap: