Things that are right

i said it before & ill say it again- its time for you to ditch runt - he is holding you back & this is another selfish act that shows what a me feiner he is - putting curry sauce on deep fried chicken sums him up

riding NCC’s mother up the arse :clap:

crapping into noddys shit guzzling mothers mouth

Brit Awards 2010
Best British Album of Last 30 Years - Oasis - (Whats The Story) Morning Glory?


Chomp bars.


A great bar.

definately maybe was much better,what did noel have to say?


Sorry Noel wasn’t there Liam was.

‘What a knobhead’



The Brits throws up one of these “outrageous” moments ever year.

Watch the stance on the cunt before he makes his “speech”, I reckon he would poll highly in the international cunt competition.

Ah he’s just a simpleton. At best he’s a shit imitation of a stereotype.

Liam Gallagher :clap:

Cheryl dumping Ashley Cole.

Peanut Butter on toast. Crunchy or smooth, either works

The Brits giving an Oasis album their best of the last 30 years.
