Things that are right

Tayto “Share” bags

Soup and a main course meal for €8.95 :clap:

Where was that Alf?

Main course special (choice of 4) is €8.95 and you get a choice of a soup or a dessert with that.

whats it like for a session mac?

Would be middling to average. Kinda laid out a bit weird with 3 different floors but you’d only fit 30-40 people on each floor.

Hi hove han houl hurry

Used to be a grand old style pub about 8 years ago and then they completely changed it and made it more trendy.

As a result it was shut for a long time there about a year ago.

Will people ever learn?

Pub in wexford did the exact the opposite farmer, dakota used to attempt to be a trendy spot (failed), its now reverted to an old style pun and is called t morris. fond enough of it.

Old style is where it’s at Count but not forced old style like that cunt of a hole that is O’Donoghues on Baggot Street.


It’s only trying to copy that great tavern across the road from it

i concur, thats why i enjoy booze in galway, no bullshit in pubs like freeneys and murphy, old school

Bags of chips

ClarkeyCat going on a late night errand to the shop to get us coke, stinger bars and rancheros.

FFS - pubgrub- wowfuckinwee

Whats your problem?

from your initial comment i was expecting a decent restaurant with a special offer but alas no its run of the mill pub grub you were talking about

Well every time I read a quote from you I expect a decent post with good quality but I don’t always get it and you don’t hear me complaining :stuck_out_tongue:

Thieves who read all the furore about Cheryl Cole not wearing her engagement and Wedding rings to the States last night attempted to break into her home only to be disrupted when Ashley woke and called the fuzz.

Fair play to them, thats thinking outside the box.