Things That Are Wrong

And what is wrong with that, the horse won at 11/4. Sounds like he knows his stuff

If he’d come out and said something more definitive rather than saying it ‘should go close’ when it was such a short price

[quote=“Mac, post: 99499”]This lad calling himself a tipster

Currently around 2/1 / 5/2 favourite and has been all morning [/quote]
Thanks for highlighting that Mac. Made me a few quid today. A lovely price as well.


A male I know having, in his own words, “Bums & Tums class” this evening.


Whats wrong with that?

Ah here

Charlie passing away in home and away.

Hope she makes it big in Hollywood

Unfortunately I don’t have a report of how she looks in real life despite her living in Bondi. My house guest has though a few times and she is meant to be stick skinny and tiny.

April (Rhiannon Fish) is more than an ample replacement

Your some bollix.

Sleeveless jumpers with shirts or wearing a waistcoat to work. Theres a lad here and he looks like he’s playing at the Crucible.

I think both are wrong but there’s a bit of a trend with the former because Guardiola (I think) and such trend setting types wear them. The latter is just completely ridiculous - nice comparison with the Crucible.

[quote=“Bandage, post: 99511”]

I think both are wrong but there’s a bit of a trend with the former because Guardiola (I think) and such trend setting types wear them. The latter is just completely ridiculous - nice comparison with the Crucible.[/quote]
What is an acceptable sleeveless jumper I wonder? What would Pep wear? I think any of them with a pattern or special knit is highly wrong.

I often wear a sleeveless jumper over a shirt and under a jacket particularly when there is a nip in the air. I wear plain grey or navy. It is quite a stylish look. Quite continental. It is a look much favoured amongst dapper Eurocrats in Brussels

People with bad teeth. Over the past year or two I have developed a massive hatred for people with bad teeth, especially people with a dead tooth.

[quote=“Mr. Totti, post: 99514”]
People with bad teeth. Over the past year or two I have developed a massive hatred for people with bad teeth, especially people with a dead tooth.
[/quote]I had a dead tooth for years, but got it crowned. I was a new man after it. The tooth was killed by a dirty belt of a hurley that made bits of my gums and jaw.

I hope it wasn’t one of your front teeth?

Oh it was. First tooth on the right.

Ewwww, did you have to wait long to get it crowned?

I hate this too. Lived in the southwest of England for 4 years and jesus the fuckers over there must never clean their teeth or else its the cider but I have never seen so many people with bad teeth as I did living there. I would rather go without washing than go without cleaning my teeth.