Things That Are Wrong

William Spengler

Egon will be fuming

Road safety chief Gay Byrne has vowed to remain on in the job despite having grave concerns over the impact of falling garda numbers.

A friend posting about how long the Q’s are for the “boxing day sales” this morning.

You’ll probably have to explain that one to the Dublin and Kilkenny posters.

Horse racing. I saw exhausted horses being beaten around kempton earlier. And the analyst said the midgets on their backs should have beaten them harder.

This should be banned immediately. Beating animals for sport. Ffs sake.

The what?

I used an abbreviation. Sound it out, I’ve every faith you’ll figure it out :wink:

Being in work today. 1/6th of the workforce are in. And I’m scheduled for a meeting with the boss at 3pm…who doesn’t appear to be in…but could arrive at anytime

Brendan Howlin mouthing off about sacking under performing teachers

Being at a panto with 4 under 10s.

Being at a panto with 4 under 10s.

I had 10 large bottles of Guinness and a kebab last night. If I don’t get up and open a window soon I think there is a danger that I could gas myself.

break two raw eggs into a cup, pinch of salt, tablespoonful of milk, throw it down the throat and you’ll be ready for anything

Is there much difference in taste between the bottled stuff and say tap/can?

Yes, the bottled stuff is shit. Don’t know how anyone could drink it.


I mistakenly picked up 6 cans of the old style Guinness. Opened one on Christmas night, poured it and no head appeared. Took one sip and it nearly turned my stomach.

I like a bottle off the shelf sometimes

Yes that is vile, made the same mistake myself a few months ago. It is like fizzy coca cola or something FFS. Horrendous stuff. Would only drink the draught cans, had a few last night actually at home.

That stuff is strictly for cooking Guinness stew or something. Would you say it’s made from the slops?