Things That Are Wrong

Looking like the Council has referred that bollix Cooney’s motion to the Luan Gallery itself, saying its not the Councils business what Art the gallery shows.

Are you always as silly a bitch as this? Or is this just an isolated silly bitch outburst out of you?

Local authority councils have a proud history in this sort of craic. Dublin city council’s bungling helped ensure Hugh Lane’s collection of priceless continental paintings ended up in the ownership of the National Gallery in London. Galway city council have had a fine collection of paintings in storage for years and have just handed them back to the owner. Philistines appear to rise to the top of these odious bodies.

Cunts in Australia on facebook wishing they were back in the Irish rain because Oz is too hot for them.

FFS is this not done yet?

DISTURBING bloody images have appeared on Twitter which appear to show wounds self-inflicted by Justin Bieber fans.

The hashtag #cutforbieber began to trend on the site as dozens of gory images were posted by fans to the singer to appeal to him not to take drugs.
Photos emerged over the weekend of the teen idol which allegedly showed him smoking marijuana.
One user posted a picture which appeared to show self-inflicted bleeding cuts to her arm and said: “you stop using drugs and we’ll stop cutting”.
Another 15-year-old female user who posted a graphic image messaged the singer directly, saying: “@justinbieber Sorry if I scared you honey, it’s just that I would do anything for you” shortly after posting the picture.
She later claimed Twitter had contacted her directly to check up on her well being.
However it appears the trend may have been started as a joke on a forum – despite this other users noticed a worrying amount of graphic pictures appearing on the website.
Some of the images fans uploaded were old pictures taken from self-harm websites - however there is still concern as to the influence the trend could have on vulnerable young fans of the singer.
The vast majority of Twitter users were quick to express their disgust at the trend. One said: “Cutting is not something to joke about. There are people who are actually suffering from self-harm, this is so disrespectful. “
Another said: “This whole #cutforbieber thing is disgusting. Self harm is not a joke. It’s something people genuinely suffer from. You’re a disgrace.”
#cutforbieber is the most ignorant, repulsive, arrogant, immature and idiotic hashtag by far. cutting isnt something to be taken lightly” was the opinion of another user.
The singer is yet to respond to the trend which has dominated worldwide trends since last night, and is also a trending topic with Irish users.

  • Brian O’Reilly


Fucking hell I am so out of the loop-that looks like an article from another planet. “Cutting”, “Justin Bieber”, “trending”. I know of these things I think-what exactly is a Bieber?

[quote=“Horsebox, post: 102706”]

Fucking hell I am so out of the loop-that looks like an article from another planet. “Cutting”, “Justin Bieber”, “trending”. I know of these things I think-what exactly is a Bieber?[/quote]

A TV licence payer in the UK

Oh jaysus :lol: :ph34r:

Lads pretending they never heard of Justin Bieber.


I’ve heard of him alright just not sure why people are cutting themselves because of him.

To stop him taking drugs. Keep up FFS

[quote=“Julio Geordio, post: 102712”]

To stop him taking drugs. Keep up FFS[/quote]
:lol: ::clap:

:lol: Got it now-cheers Julio.

The Runt and RTT missing out on the county football panel announced today. A symptom of the anti west agenda in Limerick football.

Something to do with the company they were keeping over the Christmas I am lead to believe.

I really don’t think a fella ringing Escort Ireland over the Christmas would have much bearing on getting called into the panel, MBB? Ireland is much more liberal nowadays.

Apparently there are 8,500 people following Colm Parkinson on Twitter.
