Things That Are Wrong

:lol: He only half killed her so.

A Garda detective has been shot dead tonight during a botched hold-up in Dundalk, Co Louth.

Only being reported as “seriously injured” on all the news sites?

Desperate stuff. RIP]

Fucking hell, that is desperate. Very sad.

a well known butcher’s beef burgers have tested positive for jockey DNA …but a spokesman for the butcher has said the burgers are the real mccoy

Myself, Farmer, briantinnion and Connolly were playing darts in the pub last night and we only had one set of darts between us. We were playing for around half an hour and, next thing, the darts were missing. How can you lose the darts in a near empty pub? It was very wrong. We looked everywhere for them too but to no avail. We were fairly pissed so we couldn’t pin down whose throw it was or who had them last. What a mystery.

Did ye check the dartboard?

It was Connolly. He sold them to buy heroin

He used them to try to inject the heroin.

Female housemate (who I wouldn’t see all that much) started going out with some taxi-driver a few months ago. Heard his taxi parking out front a couple of hours ago and was quite surprised to hear him let himself in with his own key. I’ve only met the cunt once. Not cool.

Will you be having words?

seriously bad form there. i take it youre gonna have it out with the bitch

She texted me on Friday saying she was planning to move out and move in with him in March, so we’ll see what happens. I’ll see does it happen again. It’s no fun arguing with your sole housemate so I’ll avoid it if I can. But fuck’s sake like. He’s from Tallaght, and all.

Is there anything to be said for punching her in the babymaker?

She served a year in the Balkans war on the Serbian side and is about 2 or 3 inches taller than me… ,so: no.

Meh, they still lost.

serb tranny owns thrawneen

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 103056”]Is there anything to be said for punching her in the babymaker?

She served a year in the Balkans war on the Serbian side and is about 2 or 3 inches taller than me… ,so: no.[/quote]

shes 5 ft 5 so !