Things That Are Wrong

[quote=“FingalRaven, post: 775780, member: 80”]

rtt,kib,gola and fagan will be attending this cringefest[/quote]

Will I?

We’re massive fans of anything to do with cross channel football

[quote=“FingalRaven, post: 775780, member: 80”]

rtt,kib,gola and fagan will be attending this cringefest[/quote]
I’ll be at this with very divided loyalties

what channel is that mate?

network 2

Cunts setting of fire alarms in your apartment block at 1 in the morning. Very wrong

Lurking around listening to women peeing.


Setanta delaying the football games till the middle of the morning to show the fucking Scotish Cup final. Ffs, everyone knows Celtic will stroll it. What’s worse, they are still putting Kerry-Tipp first so no chance of getting the big game. Dreadful programming.

This fagan fascination with the female urination process is possibly one of the more worrying Internet disclosures of modern times

The condition I got myself into last night

D’icon kid?

Don’t think so


I was in a fucking heap yesterday from Friday night, as bad as I have been in a long time. I had a heap of Guinness, one vodka and a good few bottles of Sol. Didn’t stir off the couch all day yesterday although I had made tentative plans to go out to watch the match last night.

I’m surprised this hasn’t gotten more attention. Perhaps no one is surprised?

Where was this post

Things that are right.

I haven’t eaten in over 27 hours