Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

It goes to prove what a wonderfully diverse amalgam of characters populate this noble forum.
Everybody contributes the odd worthy nugget which makes the place so worthwhile.


Forget about Edges & Embraces, this should be the focal point of any tourism campaign. Cracks me up every time I see it.

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So my daughter was sitting on the kerb next to her car, pondering life after her ordeal in the gas station (further things that are wrong thread). Two little girls walk by, she said they were about 6 and 8. They stopped for a chat as kids do and told her they were off to the gas station to buy candy and proudly showed her their $5 bill. The younger one disclosed she had a birthday next week and my daughter asked her if she was having a party and she said no, because they had no money :cry:

They walked back a few minutes later and gave my daughter a bottle of soda they had bought for her. My faith in humanity has been somewhat restored. That little girl will be having a birthday party next week.


The parents might have just told her they’d no money but might be afraid of the Corona virus. That’ll be some long winded debate on the doorstep when you turn up :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Happy to give that a tenth.
How does gas flood btw?

That never happened.

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That’s tremendous

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I agree. It speaks to me and for me.


That is truly beautiful.

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Roger would have fit right in here. He’d have hated every one of us cunts.


I think we should posthumously award Roger FOTF status.


We’d probably need to do a background check.


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That is all the background check I need.

Sadly not in this day and age

Reminds me a bit of this headstone out in Barefield Co. Clare.

Marlborough George, LWB, Lying Well Back.

A few scrolls down on the link below.

Upload is from your saved files, there is no link I don’t think?

The anticipation levels soaring, don’t let us down

Ah, thanks for that. Yea, I had the link saved. It’s not that great. He was a bit of a character. Huge man. Some of the Clare lads on here might remember Ashbrook Dairy Farm from Ennis. He sold milk locally. The carton used read, “From Moo To You In An Hour Or Two”.

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Pride of place.
Brings a bit of a lift on a weary evening after a long day at work.


Are you a Sticky @flattythehurdler