Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Proper order. Loads of it happening around my way disgraceful carry on

You “work” on a Friday!!!
I thought you were an important cog in the Nutella wheel…Surely to God there’s minions to do whatever is supposed to be done on a Friday.
This is disturbing news.

I leave the house in the a.m. and come back in the P.m. What happens in between is debatable



Any chance you might come up with something original around 11am on Monday after you get out of bed. Glorified doley


Brilliant thanks

Spolt bastard :+1:

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Bit of mint sauce?

Hate the stuff. It’s like having desert and dinner all on the one fucking plate


Na love it on :cut_of_meat:

Sick fucker

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He has you rattled to pieces :smile:

Glorified Doley :rollseyes:

You got me in 1

At least I’m not stealing a living from my employers.

Streaky rasher and toasted mozzarella sandwich.


Clown :smile:

Not half as much as you’re obsession with me

Come on Harry boy , where next. Theres a good doggie Walkieees

magic-hot-dog (1)

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Oh mike, you simple man :laughing:

I might throw you a treat later on after Wiltshire deliver your dinner.

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You’re not even a man

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