Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

It’s so nice to not be getting it from a demoralised foreign deliveroo driver but the actual demoralised foreign worker that cooked it


The missus got hers on Monday and she costing the cunts Savage money every year

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Did you tip him?

It was hard to determine their gender with their build and the mask but I think it was a fat lady and no i did not

Hon Wexford!

Just out the road

My kids love this crowd on YouTube… Ps22 choir. They do loads of pop songs with their teacher in school and loads of famous singers have come and joined them… Saw this one just now… Christina Perri didn’t dial it in she gave it socks


Some singer.


Wow, she’s knocked that out of the park, I listened to ‘a thousand years’ afterwards,
That’s two great 21st century ballads she’s been responsible for
Lucky choir


Did you listen to her singing thousand years with the same choir? She did three songs with them. You can see she is enjoying it

Only a small thing but she clearly knew a small bit of her time, and giving it her all, would give those kids a great memory

She’s a lovely girl. She lost a kid recently herself

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Shania Twain’s father fucked off when she was 2. Her mother remarried a man called Jerry Twain who adopted the 3 girls and raised them all in a happy environment. When asked about him here’s her views:

My father (Jerry) went out of his way to raise three daughters that weren’t even his. For me to acknowledge another man as my father, a man who was never there for me as a father, who wasn’t the one who struggled everyday to put food on our table, would have hurt him terribly. We were a family. Step-father, step-brothers, we never used that vocabulary in our home. To have referred to him as my step-father would have been the worst slap across the face to him.[24]


All the dirty tats on the hoor, she shouldn’t be let near kids.

That don’t impress me much

Okay, so what do you think, you’re Elvis or something…

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Shania gets it

The Welch national anthem.

@Fagan_ODowd what lopper did you buy? I’m in the market for one myself.

Kent and Stowe.

Doc and Marty made it to 2021