Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

I’ll never run outta love for you me aul segosha.

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You’re an awful man for contradictions! You’re one of the more postive nice guys on here and then want to shame fellas for being positive or nice?!

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Likes aren’t generally used here in a positive way, you should know that by now.

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Take that like you cunt!!!


I’ve given that a like. Very astute.

Do you remember when @backinatracksuit was all happy clappy and showing off his runners? We’ve made an embittered and cynical old bollox of him in jig time.


And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.


Not at all, I haven’t changed a bit.

In fact I’d say I’ve mellowed since my early days, I don’t pretend to be what I’m not. But back then I didn’t stay away from E-confrontation

Teddy looks at the ball, the ball looks at yeddy

Have a great day lads


Panda came along there and washed out the brown bin. You could eat your dinner out of it now, if you were so inclined. For 6 euro. Some bargain.


€6 to ate your dinner out of a bin? These hipster dining experiences are going too far


eating dinner out of bins isnt that rare in fingal



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For a man as experienced in life matters as yourself I find this mildly disconcerting. I’d assume you possess a powerwasher, cranking it up for action (remove from shed, connect water hose, connect electricity and ready the bin) should take about 5 minutes and the whooshing of the bin possibly another 2. Yet you eulogise the Panda lad who’s absolutely mugged you off for €6 and knowing your generous nature you probably came across all Mr.Big and flashed out the tenner.

Mugged off oul’ stock. That’s the Port Lairge coming out in you.

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Easy known you don’t live in small suburban space


Somebody pick half the forum up off the floor


i should go easier on them as they glare enviously over the bay towards our salubrious surroundings on the SOCODU riviera

At least it gives them something to aspire to

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It’s hardly the Divis flats he’s ensconsed in.

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