Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

The Fly was the first release from Achtung Baby, which was a very good album really, although the fly itself is quite shit

Both Coldplay and U2 were the fav bands of those people who generally didn’t like music. Safe and generally boring. Bono tried to address it with his ego but came out looking like a wanker.



Saw Coldplay at oxegen in 2’11. Enjoyed the gig they were very good but wouldn’t go out of my way to pay for their stuff but am alright band. Power to them

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Coldplay are harmless.
Chris Martin is a creepy individual.

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@Spidey nails it

Achtung Baby is a fantastic album. Their best album.


In the middle of building the mother of all spotify playlists here. Up to nine hours and nine minutes now.


Both these bands are very popular ergo an awful lot of folk will not like them .

I got rid of apple music after it deleted my playlist which had taken three weeks of dipping in and out to compile.

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No way, not having that. You can’t say that you weren’t impressed by the Fly the first time you heard it? It was unbelievable and totally different to what they did before. The Fly holds up in my opinion.

Time well spent. If you’re open to sharing it I’d take a PM. Although I plan to switch to tidal at some point in the future.


Sorry flatty but we can’t rule out a PEBCAK issue

Pm sent.

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I didn’t like the Fly, still don’t.
Was never a U2 fan but that album was very good, there is a great run of songs from 3-6,

Joshua Tree was another good album

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Pm please

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Pm sent

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I’d take one too please @Fagan_ODowd

Pm sent.

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I’d take a pm if that’s ok