Things that make you a cunt

Dunno. A 14 hour flight is something Iā€™d give leeway for. A shorthaul to the likes of the UK wouldnā€™t bring up the need to let your seat back. Iā€™d be with @glasagusban on this one



what makes @glasagusban a cunt in this instance, and an absolute one mind, is that there were loads of other seats on the plane, but cunt chops wanted his cake and he wanted to eat it too. He could quite easily have got up, moved one seat forward and reclined away billy-o, but no, our hero reclines into the poor chaps personal space and then tell him to get up and move if he doesnā€™t like it.

Yet youā€™re here moaning about your crocked kneesā€¦Itā€™s called karma oulā€™ stockā€¦


I donā€™t get it. Iā€™m on a 14 hour flight and paid for a seat that reclines, so I will recline it. Thereā€™s plenty of space on air France too by the way, itā€™s not like itā€™s hitting anyoneā€™s knees.

you said there was plenty of space on the plane. You could have moved to where there was nobody behind you and reclined it horizontal if you wanted. But no, you wanted to be a cunt and make sure he knew you were being a cunt.

If the plane was full, youā€™d still be a cunt.

Etiquette would say, you turn around and say, look pal, Iā€™m tired do you mind if I recline, 90% of people would say no bother. If he said no, you just get on with it.

A slight recline in seat is acceptable to allow for a bit of neck support when dozing ā€¦ full recline is cunt acting.

So, the airlines design and order the planes how they want them, specificy how far back the seat will recline and how far apart the seats will be and then how much the tickets for those seats will be sold for. But you want people to ignore all that and sit bolt upright for a 14 hour flight? Nah. Not buying it.

A remarkable insight into your true ā€œIā€™m alright Jackā€ attitude. The mask slips.


your manners and sense of entitlement leave a lot to be desired

  1. Donā€™t just fuck the seat back, give at least a forewarning
  2. If there are places free on the plane, you move, donā€™t fuck your seat back and then tell the chap if he doesnā€™t like it, move
  3. I hope every flight you are ever on from here on in, youā€™ve a screaming child in front of you and a fat bastard longside you and a recliner shoved into your face

I could see a few lads on here struggling in business class on British Airways going off this thread

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Absolutely. Particularly when itā€™s some short arse in front of you. I never recline and Iā€™m 6 foot.

You really see what people are made of when it comes to travel and accommodationā€¦


I bet @glasagusban is the type of cunt that would hold up the whole plane trying to stuff his GAA gear bag into the cubby hole. Iā€™ve paid for my carry on, fuck yeā€¦ then bang it off the back of everyoneā€™s head getting it out

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@glasagusban reckons there is ā€œplenty of spaceā€ on Air France economy. The only conclusion to be made is that he must be a bit of a short-arse too. It would explain a lot of his unnecessary chippiness - basically small man syndrome

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With a couple of posts here today he has undone years of positioning himself as a champion of the left.


A Burberry bag

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a fanny pack

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Sense of entitlement? Entitled to use the seat in manner it was designed for? Have you flown longer than 5 hours anywhere?

condescending and entitledā€¦ the full bag of tricks on display here today.