Things that make you a cunt

Ok the name calling is a bit much you’re getting very excited about this.

Would anyone expect someone to keep their seat up on a long haul flight? Obviously no. So it can go down? Clearly yes. So once we’ve established that one can put their seat down at all, away you go.

Psychologist Dr David Carey agrees and says seat recliners may have been overly indulged in childhood.

“Seat recliners are comfort seekers at the expense of others,” he says. “They are likely to put their own needs ahead of others and be inconsiderate and intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them.

Nail on the head


Nail. on. head

it’s in the thread title

I suppose that settles it so. Some journalist write and article and found a psychologist to support her. It’s there in black and white.

And yet the airlines the side with the recliners. Hmmm.

I must say I lol’d at that line. Kudos @Batigol

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If you’re flying for more than 3 hours and not reclining your seat then you’re just a plain fucking weirdo. You recline, the person behind you reclines and everyone follows suit. Most proper airlines now have back seats that recline.

If you’re flying from Dublin to London and recline your seat on top of someone then you’re a proper cunt.

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@glasagusban is coming out of this rather badly. Judging by his own high standards he appears to be badly rattled, seething even.

Did they break your nose?

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people tried to board him thinking he was concorde

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From Dublin to London? That makes no sense you idiot.

No need to lash out cos you struggle to keep your square head upright

It seems most lads on here haven’t flown further than London.

If you were a front seat passenger for a 3 hour car journey would you push back the seat and recline it on top of a passenger on the back, because, you know, the car manufacturer designed it that way?

Would you fuck.


You go on one long haul flight and you think youre Phileas Fogg :grinning:



hes probably passepartout to someone’s phileas

Did the Concorde regularly go on short haul flights you idiot?

looks like im getting right up your nose, anyone got a torch?

Most passenger car seats are already reclined a bit. Plus they have more legroom than a plane.