Things that make you a cunt

Yep if someone is doing it on all their emails all the time but there some cases where it is needed. Especially dealing with lazy cunts who will claim they never got the email or throw you under the bus all because they couldnā€™t be arsed reading the email.

This morning- a lad in a new holland tractor travelled 6 miles in rush hour traffic without availing of any of the numerous mannerly opportunities to drive on the hard shoulder. A useless lump of a woman in a white Korean 2 wheel drive @iron_mike type faux jeep refused to take any of several opportunities to pass the tractorā€¦until she reached a stretch of dual carriageway, then she sped up to 50mph and sat in the right hand lane for 3 miles until any chance of passing her had gone.
The lad in the tractor should be bate senseless. Thereā€™s no fate too slow, cruel and barbaric for the woman in the ā€˜jeepā€™.


Could you not have passed the lady on the inside?


A cunt and a luddite. You can track that without them ever knowing

Donā€™t be so defensive

Yep thought youā€™d be one of them.

Legally he was absolutely spot on not to be driving on the Hard Shoulder.

If you planned your journey correctly you would not have been late.

There was a hape of cars in front of me

Manners are more importantā€¦and I wasnā€™t late.

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legally he has to pull in and allow traffic to pass*

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We need to determine first if @glenshane was driving in the UK or Ireland.

Heā€™ll get his comeuppance on his way to Garth Brooks.

Can you self-determine this?

Iā€™ll do my best.

You see, it seems thereā€™s a law in the UK about slow vehicles having to pull in, but there is no such law in Ireland.



Thats a new one on me Art. What is it?

What is wokefishing, the latest online dating deception? (

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Itā€™s a buzzword that a certain type of offended male snowflake uses as a coping mechanism when they canā€™t debate a point.

alternatively it could be someone bleating about womens rights and safety when theyve previously posted their rape fantasies and abuse of women



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