Things that you are torn on

Arrogant joggers that run on roads as opposed to the pavement

My instinct naturally is pro VRU anti car but these cunts irk me


Are they not just being sound to pedestrians? Why would such kindness irk you?


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I jogged a little bit of my route back today on the road. It’s a straight road and there were no cars coming towards me but there were pedestrians on the footpath. Should I have jumped in the ditch instead and waited for them to pass? I appreciate your views on this and many other subject matters, and would hate to disappoint you

Wanker cyclists gangs in lycra are worse

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Step on . Step off as required


Lovely; that’s the way I’ve been doing it.

People who change their direction in a footpath coming towards you after you’ve decisively moved to a side to observe social distancing. Fucks sake, I’ve moved as far as Ican away from you, don’t then walk towards me.
I hate people.


Less of the hate speech you bigot

The correct term is people on bikes

Fuck it

I’ll FLAG that post

Groups of lads together on bikes are weirdos

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All you can do is act decisively and early. As soon as you see someone ahead of you, don’t fuck around, move out of their way. They will inevitably move towards you, but at least you have the moral imperative to say something nasty about them under your breath.

Multiple people one the one bike during the Coronavirus? A tandemic I suppose.


Post of the day

Me too.

This virus is a godsend in a way, you can avoid interacting with others and glare and make passive aggressive comments on strangers who accidentally wander nearby

If they could find a vaccine but permanently maintain the distancing theyd have my vote

So it’s ok if I say I can’t stand you now?

I always thought you were a whiny cunt whod be a bore in pubs so id say the lack of unwelcome interaction with others has hit you hard.

@maroonandwhite - please chill

@Fitzy is a good guy

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Not sure about that assessment but ill leave him be and let him get some sleep