Things Thomas Brady doesn't do

Not be raised by a headbanger

Go to see Top Gun Maverick, heā€™ll never watch it.

Care about up and coming Irish footballers

Understand simple questions

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Fry ups - well rarely anyway

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Follow through on his commitments.

Lot of noise about me leaving the forumā€¦ Is the NFL season over?

Subscribe to Second Captains podcast

Retire from TFK

You can check out (sporadically) but you can never leaveā€¦

Weā€™ll see about that buckoā€¦watch this spaceā€¦ Which is an oxymoron as all you do is watch this space

Its gonna be ok.

Itā€™s not retiring, itā€™s taking regular sabbaticals.

The smart guys have been doing that for years. The trick is to get another of the collective to carry on.

@KinvarasPassion usually takes a winter retreat. A little digital detox Iā€™d say.

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Thomas doesnā€™t like to see lads doing well for themselves.

I love to see plenty of people get on. Joe Rogan is biggest podcast in the world for example.

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Trust the Irish Times or RTƉs Six One news.

Sure Tommy gets his news off Joe Rogan and does his own research

Not burst a woman. Once.