Things Thomas Brady doesn't do

Guaranteed to be in The Franciscan Well.

How long are you living there now?

5 year.

Get Covid.

*Post bookmarked


Let people forget their civic responsibilities.


Planning his festive season around rubby

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Be irresponsible.

Provide any craic on tfk.


Iā€™m not your monkey.

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Spell reckless correctly

Cc @Raylan


Watch documentaries on RTE1 about ā€œbints who whip horsesā€.


Mind having a quiet pint on his own in a pub.

Thatā€™s surprising, I thought he didnā€™t go to pubs at all?

Havenā€™t in 2 years pal. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll go at some stageā€¦ Can you provide the criteria for rating in advance please.

What are you on about kid?

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Any pub where you think taking a photograph of your pint of stout is a good idea canā€™t be great

Itā€™s very ironic that the poster who hasnā€™t been to a pub in 2 years is the same poster who talks about them the most.


He doesnā€™t. And itā€™s killing him.

Theyā€™re death traps. Close themā€¦ Lads like you and @Massey going to pubs when sickā€¦ That kind of selfishness needs to be eradicated from society. Your general pub goer seems to be very selfish and places their own hedonism above all else.

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Itā€™s actually keeping me alive

Listen we know your not allowed go now cause your under the thumb.Stick to the few cans of IPA and leave the pubs to the people that are still living their lives.

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