Things Thomas Brady doesn't do

Going to a pub is living :rofl:

Thatā€™s the problem right thereā€¦ The peasant mentality of the Irish places the pub as the zenith of existence.

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The man challenges and inspires me every single day.

Happy new year TB.


Same to you and yours broā€¦

Weā€™ll learn lads on here yet.

Dingle - very meh


Put people on ignoreā€¦

Disappoint me every day

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Some lads donā€™t know anything outside of going to the pub, I feel sorry for them but youā€™d think after all the time away from them theyā€™d finally figure out how much of a waste of time and money they are.


This is why Iā€™d follow you to the ends of the world Francisā€¦ A visionary, a leaderā€¦ A man among men.

Sadly, men like us remain in the minority still but evolution happens gradually.

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Understand the rules of the Celebrity Deaths thread.

Wrap his foot around the ball

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Swim properly. Sure heā€™s only using his arms.

Engage in paddywhackery he despises it

Play 5 a side anymore. Sure why would you pay a physios mortgage?

Drink Tay

The French drink wine, the English tay
The Yankee sips his hot black coffeeā€¦

Back the pats in a playoff game against the bills

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Worry about changing gears in rental cars when driving on the wrong side of the road. Itā€™s a piece of piss


Plan to hang around on TFK after the Super Bowl now that Tom Brady has left the NFL

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Pay for podders