Things Thomas Brady doesn't do

No wonder you’re fucked.

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I’ve just had breakfast now, that’s it till 4pm.


Anyone over 35 on those sites needs their head checked ffs.


They’d probably say the same about us and our usage of TFK.

They may be right.


Acknowledge NI or Wales.

They’d have a fair point. But posting pictures of yourself for the the world to like is a bizarre concept, particularly for people well into their 30s / 40s

Would it be ok if I were trying to catfish some mediocre Irish celeb?

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That’s exactly what it’s for kid, fire ahead.

Clicks send on dick pic.

You’ll be thankful of the zoom in feature.


Might even get a consult on that rash.

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Instagram is a million times better than tinder or bumble for meeting girls.

Well that’s it, it’s a young person’s thing. It’s kinda creepy when lads in their 40s are on it.

What about posting pictures of your pint or your dinner or your shoes for a community of anonymous weirdos?

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On occasion for a bit of ‘bants’ is alright I think. Regularly I’m not so sure. That one might need to go to go upstairs to the committee.

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I think that’s perfectly appropriate


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I had to read that twice :smiley:

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