Things Thomas Brady doesn't do

Play ā€œcomputersā€.

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Work nights usually but made an exception last night


Give a fuck about Munster rugby

Lend an empathetic ear to workmates who might be struggling



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He told us all a big fat lie with that one anyway

Iā€™d say there is a good chance he goes to the pub more than every other poster here bar @Copper_pipe

Heā€™s a very heavy drinker but itā€™s better for him to be drinking in company than drinking at home alone so last nightā€™s events were a positive in a way.


Very true

Oh contraireā€¦


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Iā€™ll be nice and let that slide.

The Top Gun franchise

Iā€™d say he just doesnā€™t like the gay volleyball scenes.

Those scenes were gay?

Seemed a bit gay to me anyway.
I wouldnā€™t be an expert mindā€¦


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Goose Maverick GIF by Skydance

Not sure what youā€™d see as gay here

The only crime here is Cruise wearing jeans on the beach like a proper roaster

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He whipped the Saw Doctors tee shirt off to play the volleyball

All heā€™s missing is the farmers tan :smile:

Full on tan from a few hard days put down footing turf with the top off.