Things Thomas Brady doesn't do

Abide jazz


Not disagree with Morrissey’s opinions about the Chinese and Muslims

Doesn’t get half enough

See a ‘sweep sweep’ coming…

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He can’t abide it sure

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Or drink to excess

In fairness, that was sarcasm, i saw it coming…

I cant let that one fly pal.

Sarcasm well

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Suck John bulls cock like a little lapdog


Say anything of worth on the internet in his life.

Still listen to podcasts

Ate shite from those generic delis at spar and the likes.

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I got a sandwich a few months back from one… Chicken was awful auld shite, a lick of coleslaw, a bit of that rubber grated cheese and some onion… €4.50.

Only a mug would fork out for that shite… I’d rather starve than give it to the cunts.

Sometimes its nice to help out the local Dubalin economy. Pay for new syringes, allow them feed the little rashers, yknow, pity money.

I’d generally throw the roll to the homeless outside then.

Onion? From a deli? With your gut? You know once the onions arent fresh they get rougher and rougher on your gut? Those things are sitting chopped for days.


Onions are prebiotics… They’re great for the gut

Not when they are cut and left for hours mate. They oxidise and will give you heart burn or likewise much worse than a lad cut fresh.


Spar sandwiches are fucking rotten. Their “chicken” and “ham” are vile. Centra barely a step above them either. It’s actually remarkable that they can create something so bland when it is such a big part of what they do.

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Can’t believe people would pay for a ham sandwich out of a Spar. You’d want your head examined