Things Thomas Brady doesn't do

I would only go for it myself in a hungover state, which is very infrequent these days. A breakfast roll and bottle of Lucozade works better than any medication.

When itā€™s nearing 4 quid for 6 slices of packaged ham, itā€™s not that far fetched to just get the roll

How much is the roll?

Coleslaw,you deviant.I thought you hated coleslaw.

5er with a bag of crisps and a drink in my local shop

Give a flying fuck about the employees who work/worked for Twitter.

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Be too familiar with the overall back catalogue of Led Zeppelin.

Most shops put a different cheaper ham into the rolls they make. The good ham is cut fresh and sold separate. Watch them.

Youā€™re better off make your own roll at home with bought ingredients if thatā€™s economical for you.

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Cut onion actually sucks in every bacteria around it. If you donā€™t use up a cut onion in cooking or prep throw it away.
You could have a secondary use for it such as killing the fumes in a freshly painted room.


I never said any of that.

You guys love neo liberalismā€¦ Own the sackings, theyā€™re yours.

Realise he was on Maggieā€™s side in the minerā€™s strike. Itā€™s been some journey all told from chief sf chair operative.


Use the search function to find his own posts in a thread

By godā€¦ Ive half the forum obsessed with me.


Cut onions absorb viruses from the air. Old wives tale cut an oinion in the room where someone sleeps while sick.

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Tom ā€œThe Guruā€ Bradyā€¦ā€¦

Iā€™d say itā€™s the new avatar. That and youā€™re full of shit.

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Keep following me around little puppy.

I havenā€™t seen an obsession like this with a poster in a long time. Donā€™t get it myself but Tom has lads hanging on his every utterance


Ah heā€™s a dreamboat to be fair. Iā€™d often find myself doing ddrawings of what i think he looks like in my homework copy.

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Post them up mate

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