Things Thomas Brady doesn't do

Good job thomas. Please accept my apologies

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Savage job. Who took the photo for you?

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There’s a difference between being asked to produce evidence or share something and thinking ’ oh this would make a lovely photo’



Is that where Stephen King’s IT clown lives?

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Would you put a bit of plaster on that wall or at least plant a few flowers or shrubs

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I getcha


Take photos unless required as evidence

All in good time my man.

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Like your wife’s gee

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He’s trying to promote biodiversity and food self sufficiency. This is the sort of behaviour that got @chocolatemice cancelled when he went after that councillor.

Vile comment.

Chocolatemice was never cancelled.


Tommy knows all about bald gees

No, it’s @TreatyStones house.
Ha ha ha ha


You’ve used the @TreatyStones log in for that mate.

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He’s dead right here, it’s stink.

He is always right

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