Things Thomas Brady doesn't do

You need to put a scattering of fertiliser on that Tom. Get a bag of 0 0 7 ( potato manure) or 10 10 20 and spread it this week if possible. Itā€™ll stimulate a bit of late growth but itā€™ll come to life quickly next Spring. Donā€™t mow it after the growth appears youā€™re only making a balls of it.
Iā€™m giving you a rating of 7/10 for this year. As Bertie famously said ā€œa lot done more to doā€ā€¦.

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I was just goin to say the same.It looks cat.Even bolt on a few 6x1ā€™s or something.Imagine looking out at that everyday.

I donā€™t look out at it, ever. If I had my way thereā€™d be no fucking grass. Gardening is for steamers and wimin folk.

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Get obsessed about @Horsebox ā€™s missusā€™ gee


You would do well to figure out what wimmin like.

Winter Olympics Applause GIF by SB Nation

Put soap to his balloon knot

Iā€™m half afraid to Google this

This explains his unexplained absence a few months back. The forum was quiet due to the dreaded long covid

Rate any of the hundreds of pubs in cork (he must have based his ratings off online reviews)

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Have a notion how to regulate his own bowels through his diet.

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Have faith in any politician or party in this country. @gilgamboa

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Tolerate shpiders.

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Or identify them correctly.

Believe in the EU as a concept


Participate in societyā€¦ as best he canā€¦

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Cope well with about 15 Caprihanis on top of a heap of beers

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Take pleasure from mildly winding up people on the COVID thread.

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Wear Long Pants


Watch golf

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