Things Thomas Brady doesn't do

He doesn’t not throw checkdowns cc @Lazarus


I’m told he doesn’t avoid fag bars

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Stop going on about how doesn’t watch golf


Pay to watch sport on his telly

cc @Mac

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I pay for IPTV fucko.

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Review the gay beers he posts pics of

Did he ever mention he doesn’t watch golf?

The golf boys, instead of enjoying their jerk off time, are rattled.


An awful shower of wankers

TFK, at least until the hurling league returns.

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Go to a pub since Covid hit.


Is that around the time his babby was born?

Did he not say he’d had a few pints in a few beer gardens? Can @Thomas_Brady clear this up as a I feel as if he’s getting unwarranted likes here

I’ve had food out doors a few times and had a pint. I’ve not gone to a pub to sit there gulping down alcohol since this deadly virus hit.

Are you vaccinated?
Apologies, I don’t follow the Covid threads.

Yes. That wouldn’t stop me spreading it tho… I’d be more concerned about killing someone else rather than contracting. Shur you can have a couple of beers at home and not kill anyone.

Take risks with anyone’s else’s health by going to the pub drinking alcohol. Sure you can have a few beers at home :clap:


Leave people in any doubt about what he thinks of people who sit in pubs gobbling pints these days.

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Why did Ireland get presented with a cup after beating Argentina in today’s challenge match?