Things you are good at

The world is truly fucked when a weshtside farmer knows his body fat over the past decade.



I had a conversation the other week with a group of friends who like Louis CK, I maintained he was a dickhead cunt. Vindication.

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Can you predict what they’ll order? I’ve become a big fan of the 5oz burger of late. It’s a top, top burgah.

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I’m handy at the bongos

Um bongo?

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check out the last tune on the reggae and dub thread mate, um bongo indeed

Do they drink it in the Congo?

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a bit of red stripe I’d say buddy, in Jamaica.

It wouldn’t seem like something I’d be naturally good at but I’m a dab hand at assembling flat pack furniture. Put a chest of drawers together yesterday and even managed to have some leftovers: 3 screws and a round washer thing and a plastic piece.


Can you knock over to my house I’m having some technical issues with a sideboard

I’d love to help. I have a screwdriver I can bring along in case we need it.

We’ve all been there I suspect.

It’s amazing how far you have come. *

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Interview coaching. Out of three staff I’ve prepped for interviews, all three successful.

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You must have photocopied a hell of an amount of material.

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Dropped the phone during the week and cracked the screen. Ordered a new screen off EBay and it’s back in business :slightly_smiling_face: Screen cost 30 whereas some lad in a phone shop in the city would want 100 to repair it.

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Where did you learn to do that?

Had the screwdriver set already at home. Followed a few videos on YouTube. Took my time but had it done in about an hour.

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