Things you are good at

It all started to go wrong when she shtopped going to mass.

Never realised Panti Bliss used to post on here.

I still do

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Occupying the higher moral ground. :innocent::innocent:

The Full Moon Party above in Pontoon is something to behold.

Bump. Country is fucked.


Look at this…


I walked down shop street this evening to collect a bit of takeaway after a long day interviewing and all that goes with it. Anyway I was in good form, we got the candidate we wanted etc. There was a savage buzz around, heaps of young folk walking around in large groups.

A few things occurred to me… Firstly, lads these days don’t know how good they have it. Some of the young wans a passed were immaculately turned out… But then I noticed for every 1 nice wan there was probably 4 or 5 large girls, some very pretty but the Lord jaysus you’d have your work cut out to navigate them. There was a similar trend in the males alot of fellas in their own way. Its worrying really… Its almost become the norm.

The second thing that occurred to me is that it’s open shop window… Once upon a time you’d meet a bird and shed have an ould loose fitting jumper, a pair of boot cuts and a pair of Dock martens and whilst she might be nice looking it was a bit of a lucky bag regarding the rest of the package. There is no doubt these days… Holy fuck.

Anyway, getting back to the main theme I had to stop in Terryland on the way home and both the McDonald’s drive through and the Supermacs drive through had long queues. We’ve become America 2.0 in the past 20 years with a serious obesity epidemic on our hands.


Very true. God be with the days you’d wander into cps on Sunday and meet young ones straight off feda buses from Donegal in wranglers and hoodys horsing pints. They are catwalk ready now before they leave the house. Must be savage pressure on young people to look good for insta, tough on the mental health if you can’t pull it off. Pablo Escobar wouldn’t keep it pucked out to them.

Regarding the usual 20 years after America obesity trend, what’s driving it? Lots of reasons but surely the stress and pace of modern life is a factor. People are eating processed food as they are tight for time, and also to medicate the lack of quiet and peace of mind in this world, with sugar and other over the counter food based anti depressants. While it’s no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society, it’s a darker measure to fall behind in that society.


Consumer society… Dopamine, indulgence, stress.


Rehoming this beauty from the horse’s mouth…


We have our own anti-immigration and all now.