Things you are good at

I’m good at predicting how storylines in Home and Away will unfold. Like Rocko with lifts, this is a skill I’m getting rusty at, as I haven’t seen much action from the Bay lately.

There are far too many to go into detail so i will just list a few that come to mind:

  • Eating
  • Training dogs
  • The internet
  • All sports
  • Making money
  • Prediction competitions

one of the most underrated skills of all time

Flying and drinking.

Pheunuuung. Smash. Glug glug glug.

Not sure if you are a father/uncle/minder or whatever, but discipline isn’t about putting them in their place or anything (unless they are total cunting children, which are out there), not to me anyway. Its about being fair, and while being good with them, not spoiling them and making their parents look bad because you act like Santa Claus. But of course the discipline would be more related to the dogs. I suppose the over riding thing is i’m patient with them. Many people (parents included) don’t have that.

Seems like you were just looking to find fault to be honest.


+1 Typical Fran.

Thanks Puke we have achieved the perfect symbiosis of master and animal

the amount of fools i see out thinking they are walking their dogs but in reality the dog is walking them is unbelievable…makes my blood boil :angry:

Agreed. In the 9 years I have had my current animal, I have slowly learned to judge his moods and weaknesses (he has no concept of traffic). Thus allowing me to judge where and when to let him off the leash so that he gets maximum benefit from the walk

Agreed. In the 9 years I have had my current animal, I have slowly learned to judge his moods and weaknesses (he has no concept of traffic). Thus allowing me to judge where and when to let him off the leash so that he gets maximum benefit from the walk

Cracking wind up by Kev with those really creepy posts about children.:clap:

i dont know which is worse- fault finding Fran or bland fran

Im good at…

Drink Driving successfully
Drinking Whiskey,not many would stay into me on whiskey
Umpiring,I do a good bit of it
Gettin up early in the mornins

I think it proves what we all suspected for a while, fran is two ends of a cunt

Not to worry buddy. I’ve also developed an affliction for trying to go up the elevator coming down. Make it to the second step more often than not. The left hand side one should always go up

After reading the recent posts in this thread I say :clap: to that.


I know its not on your agenda as you’d actually have to know a woman before you have a kid, but if you ever need uncle advice don’t hesitate to drop me a PM.

Well that’s me told by Kev, the man that can discipline a child whether he’s its parent or not. :lol:

I love it…