This is the new server

This isn’t the land of limbo. This is our new home.

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Ah fuck. All the Fitzy shite was on this thread.

seems a clean out of the cache was needed.

I’m sure Rocko’s new cheaper server will be well able to handle the deluge of gifs and it will in no way affect performance.


What about all thos conversations from last 16 hours. I completely buried a few lads. Surely they are not gone?


As a user accessing the site on an Apple mobile device I note that none of these new features appear to be available to me. This is Mulherinesque treatment of the broader Apple family.

@Rocko, is the post where @Mac rattled the fuck out of @caoimhaoin and had him listing his work achievements lost in the ether?

The picture of @Rintintin s loaf is gone.

Don’t worry, you know you buried them, and they know you buried them.
That’s enough.



It’s like when you bury a fella with a shoulder in a match, even if he gets straight back up, you know you’ve done him and he knows you’ve done him.

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I’ve knocked John Quane with a shoulder.
You can’t do more than that.

Your shoulder to his knee?


I saw them

Was he falling over at the time?