This isnt about Rachel Allens sandwiches

Ya but most legal aid people meet them 30 mins before a case

Only for the more trivial cases. For the others thereā€™s bail hearings, and motions etc to be sorted and you need a wig for most of that stuff

It must be nice to wear the wig

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Was Mr Spratt charged with possession with intent to supply? Seems like he was feeding a personal habit. My understanding is if itā€™s possesesion with intent to supply for that kind of monetary value, itā€™s big bother.

Oh fuck off.


Personal use doesnā€™t cut the mustard no how much you reckon you could snort, ingest or smoke on your own once you go over the threshold.

How much weed is 30k?
Sounds like a large amount to be trying to bring in through the mail even allowing for the inflated valuation the gardai put on it .

He deserves jail time for being a thick cunt alone.

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Oh a bald joke. Bravo!


The gardai usually move the decimal point to the right on these things.

Iā€™d love to sell drugs to the cops, they pay well over the odds.


You might have cracked the kinehan formula there art.

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So Mr Sprattā€™s exceptional circumstances would appear to have been personal addiction, possibly an element of duress owing various dealers.

Does been a loaded dumb rich kid bringing it in on the family loot qualify as exceptional circumstances?

The way the cops work it out is per the cost of the smallest deal divided into the weight.

Eg if you get caught with a 1000 yokes itā€™s street value of 5k even though you likely paid 8/900 quid for them

Says the fella who brings the young lads elderly relation into the conversation :smile:

Exceptionally stupid and exceptionally well connected. But as I said, no patwell this time so may be much different result

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You mean his nonce grand dad?

Is it the grandad? Either way itā€™s hardly relevant but you work away with the false rage :+1:

What gets me wound up, and badly wound up, is that a person, simply on the back of the family name, can get away with downloading (and hence propagating) child pornography which the judge himself described as of the most disturbing nature so clearly at that end of the scale. Some poor child being raped or buggered and most certainly tortured repeatedly, and for what reason? Because people pay for it to be done, and those people, caught as red handed as you can be, are let off. It made, and still makes me really angry.
I couldnā€™t really give a fuck about the weed.


Cork lads stick together, they are very parochial and small minded