This Oul Place Is Fucked

Rocko,Bandage and the other slack jaws who run this show have it fucked up by the looks of things,people are voting with thier e-feet and staying out of this increasingly quiet corner of the world wide web,step aside there ladies and let someone else at it if ye cant prop the place up is all im saying…

If you’re not happy you know where the door is…

Seen it all before with UpTheDeise LINK, once people lose interest in the place the game is up.
This wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that most of the lads want rid of you from the celb spotting gig???
I don’t bother with it much meself, wouldn’t have the time to be posting up all the celebs I meet on me travels in around the city. Sure only this morning who did I come across on Chris Doran. You didn’t see me pissing meself rushing here to post that I had just seen him, that’s what teenage girls do. Come to think of it the fact that you are self proclaimed adjudicator, maybe you’re the biggest teenage girl around?
Btw this place is fucked up

Ah no Mac i love this place,thats why im concerned that its going down the shitter under the stewardship of Rocko and Bandage,some suitably qualified individual needs to step in and restore the place to its glory days of around 18 Months ago.

Cian,im still running the celeb spotting show here on Doran wouldnt have been a spot had you submitted him to the thread,knackers are held only slightly above League Of Ireland soccerball people under Link rules,neither are spots.

[quote=“THE LINK WALSH, post: 470373”]
Ah no Mac i love this place,thats why im concerned that its going down the shitter under the stewardship of Rocko and Bandage,some suitably qualified individual needs to step in and restore the place to its glory days of around 18 Months ago.

Liam Cahill would do a grand job with the place, he knows how to run a good show.
There’s too much oul bulshit attached to this place lately, too many fellas trying to run the show, most of whom are stuck about in Dublin all week. A man of the people should be appointed to run the place


Wasn’t it 18 months or so ago you started adjudicating on things?? Jayz, maybe the place has gone downhill since then Link?

i can see exactly where link is coming from (excepting rocko who is doing a fine job) the problem here is the tard triumvirate of dunph, bandage and ncc. with dishonourable mention for macstalky and his jump up & down please notice me posts.

the quality of banter from this crowd is terrible consisting of a few smiley faces, and them not having the verbality to even come up with a decent wum. it’s no coincidence that all the decent wums on this site have come form the mulliance members.

i’m sure some quality putdowns the like of a rolleyes or calling me a bald cunt from humberside will ensue, oh the wondrousness of it all, not!

TFK is stronger than ever

I’ll drink to that :pint:

@artfoley, you bald Humberside twat.


quod erat demonstrandum

[quote=“Mac, post: 470376”]
Wasn’t it 18 months or so ago you started adjudicating on things?? Jayz, maybe the place has gone downhill since then Link?

Maybe so but yere stuck with me unless im ousted by public vote.

This Mac lad is seething by the looks of things :smiley: :smiley: ,hes badly rattled the eejit :lol: :guns:

Not surprised to hear this to be honest Link, in fact all the Wexford lads will be beside themselves with worry this week at the savage batin’ their gonna receive in Nowlan Park on Saturday. Expect all kinds of seething-ness and rattled-related behaviour this week from the whole lot of them. No surprise either that Mac was the first of them to crack.

Rattled me hole Link, a bit of banter moreso which I wouldn’t expect to raise you. if only same could be said about Foley. ironic he throws accusations at me after his gay porn incident and feeling the need to tell everyone about his proposal 6 months in advance. Have you got married yet Art? I don’t recall you issuing an invite to us all? Or did you post it on another forum for us?

[quote=“Mac, post: 470384”]
Rattled me hole Link, a bit of banter moreso which I wouldn’t expect to raise you. if only same could be said about Foley. ironic he throws accusations at me after his gay porn incident and feeling the need to tell everyone about his proposal 6 months in advance. Have you got married yet Art? I don’t recall you issuing an invite to us all? Or did you post it on another forum for us?
[/quote]Futures made of virtual insanity! insert dancing smiley.

this place is gone to the dogs.


unlike your good self mac, i dont have the benefit of the gman/pikeman extra logins to make it look like someone else was telling the world about my impending nuptials. and besides, i dont follow people around the forum replying to every post they make trying to get some sort of response like your good self

go easy on Mac , he is badly rattled

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Was it 20,000 odd posts you had on AFR chasing Trimble around the place and 10,000 odd over on PV? C’mon Art - you’re better than that.