Those Weird TV Moments That You Remember

Question of Sport circa 1990.

There was a round in it where you had to name three sportstars that had the same surname as some type of thing. They gave you the first name and sport that they were involved in.

E.g. Sportstar with the same name as a vegetable

Graham ONIONS (Cricket)

John Aldo was on it one night and the thing was capital cities.

One of them was:

Dion [ ] (Football)

Aldo, so chuffed that he knew it, leapt from his seat and bellowed into the microphone in a thick Scouser accent.


Anytime Dion is an analyst on TV these days, I think to myself for no apparent reason:


I remember an episode of Glenroe where some local band were playing in the pub and they were passing a joint around on stage. Dinny and Stephen were saying they must be awful stuck for money if they could only afford the one cigarette between them. I think the police might have raided the place after that.

Miley and Fidelma playing soggy biscuit in the hayshed.

[FONT=Helv][SIZE=2][FONT=Helv][SIZE=2]Anna Friel kissing a bird in Brookside :clap:

I remember when they used to have the toy grand prix on The Den.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Question of Sport circa 1990.

There was a round in it where you had to name three sportstars that had the same surname as some type of thing. They gave you the first name and sport that they were involved in.

E.g. Sportstar with the same name as a vegetable

Graham ONIONS (Cricket)

John Aldo was on it one night and the thing was capital cities.

One of them was:

Dion [ ] (Football)

Aldo, so chuffed that he knew it, leapt from his seat and bellowed into the microphone in a thick Scouser accent.


Anytime Dion is an analyst on TV these days, I think to myself for no apparent reason:


Anytime I see Dion Dublin I think of maltesers and large dicks.

Further proof (as if it was needed) that Fergie is indeed only a perv!
Why maltesers?

[FONT=Helv][SIZE=2][FONT=Helv][SIZE=2]One time I won a book and tape sent for spelling M-A-R-A-T-H-O-N on Dempsey’s Den, and another time I won some kind of book for getting some question right. Great tv moments they were :clap:

Ian Dempsey is an alright sort

[quote=“Sledgehammer”][FONT=Helv][SIZE=2][FONT=Helv][SIZE=2]One time I won a book and tape sent for spelling M-A-R-A-T-H-O-N on Dempsey’s Den, and another time I won some kind of book for getting some question right. Great tv moments they were :clap:

Ian Dempsey is an alright sort


Well done

[quote=“Sledgehammer”][FONT=Helv][SIZE=2][FONT=Helv][SIZE=2]One time I won a book and tape sent for spelling M-A-R-A-T-H-O-N on Dempsey’s Den, and another time I won some kind of book for getting some question right. Great tv moments they were :clap:

Ian Dempsey is an alright sort

All downhill for ya since then?

[FONT=Helv][SIZE=2][FONT=Helv][SIZE=2]Pretty much, the moment I won the “Irish Legends” tape and book set was the moment my life began to unravel.
Never win prizes on kids tv shows, it will ruin your life and your innocence. Before you know it you’re listening to Joy Division and you don’t want to come out of your room. :popcorn:

The first appearance of Podge on The Den, the sneaky lil cunt.

[quote=“Sledgehammer”][FONT=Helv][SIZE=2][FONT=Helv][SIZE=2]Pretty much, the moment I won the “Irish Legends” tape and book set was the moment my life began to unravel.
Never win prizes on kids tv shows, it will ruin your life and your innocence. Before you know it you’re listening to Joy Division and you don’t want to come out of your room. :popcorn:

Sledgehammer, the child star.
A raging alcoholic at the age of 12.
People love a good comeback story though. Theres hope yet.

[quote=“Sledgehammer”][FONT=Helv][SIZE=2][FONT=Helv][SIZE=2]Pretty much, the moment I won the “Irish Legends” tape and book set was the moment my life began to unravel.
Never win prizes on kids tv shows, it will ruin your life and your innocence. Before you know it you’re listening to Joy Division and you don’t want to come out of your room. :popcorn:

I like winning prizes off kid’s tv shows. The standard is shit and you generally crush the opposition.

Zig and Zag were pretty funny in the beginning.

They were pretty funny because you were younger.

9/11. That didn’t feel real but you knew it was hence it was weird.

That was pretty funny alright.

You’re a disturbed individual.
