Threats of Violence on TFK

Disgusting post


Overly melodramatic I thought


Mate, I know you’re still hurting and you’ve been swinging at all and sundry on the forum for a couple of weeks. I hope you’ve let it all out by now, as I’m seriously concerned about your mental health.

What the fuck is going on around here? 3 o’clock on a Friday afternoon and lads going around like they’re after 10 pints and a couple of lines.
Back to work ye lazy cunts


Open your eye there and have a read at your post again. You think you are some sort of spokesman for the forum? You are a harmless butt of jokes. Not much more. Know your place and dont ever attempt to throw your weight around here again.

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Australians always overestimate their importance on the world stage

Given the pm’s I’ve received recently about you, I’d hardly think your’e in a position…


Thats all you have to counter with, what a way to display your level you harmless cunt. Fire them up there sure

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Stage 5

Yeah, I was wondering about that. @Bandage should this have been you’re or your?

you’re was correct but you just had a misplaced apostrophe, your’e, a simple mistake, that doesn’t denote rattlededness.


Thanks mate, I appreciate the clarification.

The place is going downhill at a rate of knots

It’s improved exponentially with the reintroduction of the ignore function.


As I said iv these cunts on ignore and they are all over me like shit flies. I know I give them the attention and what not. I must fill a void in their lives. Ps don’t ever call me out again. Iv spared you because of your age, but I’m starting to get a bit fed up with you.

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I must give it a go

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We are gone back to the glory days of the internet where threats were common place

A lot of lads lining up to have a shot at @anon26343222 here, but I don’t think anything’s landed.



Sure throwing a wee bit of petrol at it can’t hurt

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